0x1000 offset in symbol resolution?

Mark Wielaard mark@klomp.org
Mon Jan 11 16:05:30 GMT 2021

Hi Milian,

On Wed, 2020-12-30 at 16:51 +0100, Milian Wolff wrote:
> I stumbled upon a strange behavior while symbolizing a perf.data file
> with 
> hotspot/perfparser/elfutils that I have trouble understanding. I hope it's ok 
> to send this call for help here.
> I'm running with elfutils 0.181, g++ 10.2, glibc 2.32 on archlinux with kernel 
> 5.9.14.
> [...]
> So here, the address `0x555555555a40` should come from the second mapping, 
> which has an offset 0x0 and starts at `0x555555555000` and has a size of 
> `0x1000`. How can that possibly map to the `main` symbol which has an offset 
> of `0x1a40`?
> Does anyone know what's going on here?

Isn't this simply the ELF file being loaded/mmapped in separate
(overlapping) chunks?

What does eu-readelf -l show?
Is the address/offset range loaded/mmapped executable?



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