Difference between dwarf_getscopes and dwarf_getscopes_die

Milian Wolff mail@milianw.de
Sat Jun 13 17:34:35 GMT 2020

Hey all,

can someone explain me the difference between dwarf_getscopes and 
dwarf_getscopes_die? Ideally, this should then be added to the documentation 

Currently, the documentation states:

/* Return scope DIEs containing PC address.
   Sets *SCOPES to a malloc'd array of Dwarf_Die structures,
   and returns the number of elements in the array.
   (*SCOPES)[0] is the DIE for the innermost scope containing PC,
   (*SCOPES)[1] is the DIE for the scope containing that scope, and so on.
   Returns -1 for errors or 0 if no scopes match PC.  */
extern int dwarf_getscopes (Dwarf_Die *cudie, Dwarf_Addr pc,
			    Dwarf_Die **scopes);

/* Return scope DIEs containing the given DIE.
   Sets *SCOPES to a malloc'd array of Dwarf_Die structures,
   and returns the number of elements in the array.
   (*SCOPES)[0] is a copy of DIE.
   (*SCOPES)[1] is the DIE for the scope containing that scope, and so on.
   Returns -1 for errors or 0 if DIE is not found in any scope entry.  */
extern int dwarf_getscopes_die (Dwarf_Die *die, Dwarf_Die **scopes);

Most notably, both say:

   (*SCOPES)[1] is the DIE for the scope containing that scope, and so on.

But in practice, there seems to be a difference. Inspired by the code form eu-
addr2line we resolve inline frames like this:

Dwarf_Addr bias = 0;
Dwarf_Die *cudie = dwfl_module_addrdie(module, ip, &bias);

Dwarf_Die *subroutine = nullptr;
Dwarf_Die *scopes = nullptr;
int nscopes = dwarf_getscopes(cudie, ip - bias, &scopes);
for (int i = 0; i < nscopes; ++i) {
    Dwarf_Die *scope = &scopes[i];
    const int tag = dwarf_tag(scope);
    if (tag == DW_TAG_subprogram || tag == DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine) {
        subroutine = scope;

Dwarf_Die *scopes_die = nullptr;
int nscopes_die = dwarf_getscopes_die(subroutine, &scopes_die);
for (int i = 0; i < nscopes_die; ++i) {
    Dwarf_Die *scope = &scopes_die[i];
    const int tag = dwarf_tag(scope);
    if (tag == DW_TAG_subprogram || tag == DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine) {
        // do stuff


In the above, subroutine points to somewhere in dwarf_getscopes. As such, 
passing it to dwarf_getscopes_die, one would assume from the documentation 
(see above) that we get the sames scopes we already found via 
`dwarf_getscopes` (with an offset), but that is clearly no the case. Here is 
an example:

dwarf_getscopes: n = 2
i = 1, tag = 0x11, name = "../../../manual/clients/vector.cpp"
i = 0, tag = 0x1d, name = "_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdE10deallocateEPdm"

Then, we use the DIE at i = 0 from above to call dwarf_getscopes_die, which 

dwarf_getscopes_die, n = 6
i = 5, tag = 0x11, name = "../../../manual/clients/vector.cpp"
i = 4, tag = 0x2e, name = 
i = 3, tag = 0x1d, name = "_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE13_M_deallocateEPdm"
i = 2, tag = 0x0b
i = 1, tag = 0x1d, name =  
i = 0, tag = 0x1d, name = "_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdE10deallocateEPdm"

As we can see, dwarf_getscopes_die returns more scopes than dwarf_getscopes. 
For me, the documentation for `dwarf_getscopes` is confusing. I would have 
expected that it should be a superset of dwarf_getscopes_die, but apparently 
that is not the case.


Milian Wolff
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