[ECOS] AT91 USB driver

Gábor Török tgabor84@gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 22:57:00 GMT 2008


I'm testing the driver, but I did some modifications, because Atmel
datasheet says that before any other registers are written, the pullup
must be enabled. But the only consequence is some extra USB resets, so
I think that shouldn't rendered the USB unusable.
I included the extra endpoints in the USB driver, so they get disabled

One stange thing was, that the Atmel datasheet said fo AT91SAM7SE,
that endpoint 0 (main control endpoint) FIFO is 64 bytes long, but in
any other devices it is 8 bytes long. I have written 64 bytes in the
USB driver for FIFO size. I was struggling to get driver working for
some days. The good thing was, that I found other bugs and partly
corrected that pullup thing at initialization. Today I had the idea to
reduce the FIFO size for EP0 to 8 bytes, and it worked. I will have a
look into the USB specification and the code to see if it is an error
in the Atmel datasheet, or is it a bug in the A91 USB driver or is it
a problem with my computer.

It works with SAM7SE, the original worked with SAM7 (this one should
also), and it should work with SAM7X and SAM7XC.

Until then, I commit it to my SVN and later today I will create a
public read access to allow testing. When it is well tested, I will
send the patches.

Gábor Török

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Frank Pagliughi wrote:
> Gábor Török wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Have anybody tried the AT91 USB driver with other controllers than the
>> AT91SAM7S (I only tried with this)? I would like to use it for the
>> AT91SAM7SE, and after a quick compsrison between the USB registers of
>> the two chips, I noticed no major differences. The only thing was,
>> that the SAM7SE has more endpoints and the pullup is integrated, but
>> all the register and bit definitions are the same (except the bit
>> controlling the pullup and the registers of the extra endpoints).
>> Gábor
> I haven't tried it with anything other then the 7S, but if you're going to
> try it with the 7SE, get the latest CSV sources. There have been a few bug
> fixes to the driver in the last month or so. Let me know how it turns out -
> or if you have any problems. I've been looking at that driver recently.
> - Frank Pagliughi

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