[ECOS] "Bad" and "good" GCC FLAGS for ECOS environment
Sergei Gavrikov
Fri Nov 14 16:51:00 GMT 2008
Trying new arm-eabi-gcc to build existen targets I noticed what it is
not possible to build some of them. Issue is it's CYGBLD_GLOBAL_CFLAGS.
Greeping, viming the hal*.cdl(s) I found no up-to-dated CFLAGS for GCC4
which I can use as the good example, at the least, it seemed for me.
I am not GCC expert and I know the very minimal CFLAGS set: -O{0,2}; -g;
-Wall :-) I ask experts, What FLAG is good for new GCC in eCos and what
FLAG is "bad"? I know only one "bad" for GCC-4: -mno-short-load-words,
but, a few targets still use it. I've known one good flag from Jonathan
Larmour: -Wno-write-strings. Can anyone distribute his knowledges about
other GCC-4 flags for _eCos_ environment?
I wrote a simple Tcl script to build CFLAGS histograms (see the below)
just for expetrs who can "underline" the table's rows by a comment in
1-2 lines or even just mark the rows by asterisks. There are a head
(list of inspected targets) and 2 columns table: the 1st column contains
a meet GCC flag, the 2nd -- target's names (or aliases) which use this
flag on the screen Long lists are truncated. If anybody interests in
the script I attach it. You can get same tables for powerpc, i386, etc.
Commentators, welcome use: egrep -v -- '-(mcpu|O2|g|Wall|endian)' for
your comments. I think all know about these GCC options even I know it.
All Experts, thank you for your knowledges!
All the best,
-mthumb : cma230 aim711 pid
-mcpu=arm7tdmi : cma230 gps4020 aim711 pid integrator e7t edb7xxx
-mthumb-interwork : cma230 aim711 pid
-Wall : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-Wpointer-arith : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-Wstrict-prototypes : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-Winline : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-Wundef : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-Woverloaded-virtual : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-g : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-O2 : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-ffunction-sections : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-fdata-sections : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-fno-rtti : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-fno-exceptions : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-fvtable-gc : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-finit-priority : cma230 ebsa285 gps4020 aim711 aeb pid integrator
-mcpu=strongarm : ebsa285
-mbig-endian : aim711 pid
-mno-short-load-words : aim711 e7t
-mcpu=arm7di : aeb
-mcpu=arm9 : pid integrator
-fno-schedule-insns : integrator
-mcpu=arm710c : edb7xxx
10 targe(s) processed
-mthumb : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 eb55 eb42
-mthumb-interwork : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 eb55 eb42
-mcpu=arm7tdmi : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 eb55 eb42
-mno-short-load-words : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 eb55 eb42
-Wall : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-Wpointer-arith : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-Wstrict-prototypes : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-Winline : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-Wundef : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-Woverloaded-virtual : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-g : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-O2 : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-ffunction-sections : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-fdata-sections : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-fno-rtti : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-fno-exceptions : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-fvtable-gc : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-finit-priority : p2106 phycore229x mcb2100 lpcmt ea2468 nano ipaq
-mcpu=strongarm1100 : nano ipaq cerfpda brutus assabet sa1100mm flexanet
-mapcs-frame : sa1100mm uE250 mpc50 xsengine picasso iop310 ixdp425
-mcpu=arm9 : innovator smdk2410 excalibur aaed2000
-fno-builtin : uE250 xsengine picasso
-mcpu=xscale : mpc50 iop310 ixdp425 prpmc1100 iq80321 grg
-mbig-endian : ixdp425 prpmc1100 grg mace1 mac7100evb
-gdwarf-2 : mace1 mac7100evb
35 targe(s) processed
Note: the tables were got as "cflagseek hal/arm/*/*/*/*{,/*}"
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
set program [file tail [info script]]
if {!$argc} {
puts "Usage: $program pattern ?pattern ...?"
puts " pattern is: a glob like relative path to inspected CDL file(s)"
puts ""
puts "Example: $program hal/powerpc/*/*/*/*"
return 1
if {![info exists env(ECOS_REPOSITORY)]} {
puts "The environment variable ECOS_REPOSITORY is not set"
return 1
set top $env(ECOS_REPOSITORY)
proc reset_stats {} {
foreach li {aliases found stats} {set ::$li [list]}
proc extract_flags {tcled_cflags alias} {
global aliases found stats
lappend aliases $alias; lappend stats $alias
set flags {}
foreach f [regexp -inline -all -expanded -- {(?:-[^ \"]+)} $tcled_cflags] {
lappend flags $f
if {[lsearch -exact $found $f] < 0} {
lappend found $f
lappend stats $flags
proc print_stats {{cut 72}} {
global aliases found stats
if {[llength $stats] == 0} {return}
# header | fmt -w 72
set header [join $aliases "|"]
if {[string length $header] >= $cut} {
foreach row [regexp -all -inline [string repeat . $cut] $header] {
puts $row
} else {
puts $header
puts {}
# what is the longest flag?
set width 0
foreach flag $found {
set len [string length $flag]
if {$len > $width} {
set width $len
# print a histogram: flag : target ?target ...?
# Note: long lines will be truncated, look at 'cut' parameter.
foreach flag $found {
set line ""; set column 0;
append line [format "%${width}s :" $flag]
incr column
foreach {alias flags} $stats {
if {[lsearch -exact $flags $flag] >= 0} {
if {[string length $line] >= $cut} {
#append line " ..."
} else {
append line " $alias"
puts $line
puts [format "\n%d targe(s) processed\n" [llength $aliases]]
# unknow -- 'eats' all unknow tokens, but processes one: cdl_option
proc unknown args {
foreach {cdl_type name body} $args {
switch -glob -- $cdl_type {
cdl_* {
if {$name eq {CYGBLD_GLOBAL_CFLAGS}} {
# get CFLAGS value
set where [expr {[lsearch -regexp $body {^default}] + 1}]
set tcled_cflags [lindex $body $where]
regexp -- {^.*_(.*?)\.cdl$} [info script] -> alias
extract_flags $tcled_cflags $alias
return ;# return from sourced CDL
eval $body ;# eval {...}
default {
foreach arg $argv {
foreach cdl [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $top $arg]] {
if {[file isfile $cdl] && [file extension $cdl] eq ".cdl"} {source $cdl}
# vim: set filetype=tcl smarttab smartindent shiftwidth=4:
-------------- next part --------------
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