[ECOS] get context on the synthetic target

trollepi jj jackoaway@hotmail.com
Thu May 22 15:28:00 GMT 2008

I need to get the context of the current thread at anytime (important CPU registers, like esp, ebp, ebx, esi,...) on the synthetic target
I find the HAL_SavedRegisters and I find some discussions on the mailing list giving explanations about its members and how
it doesn't contain all x86 registers. But i don't find anything interesting for me.
So, can I get the CPU registers with an ecos macro or do I need to write a little macro like that

#define __get_thread_context(__context__){\
		asm(    "mov %%edi,%0 \n\t"\
   				"mov %%esi,%1 \n\t"\
	            "mov %%ebp,%2 \n\t"\
	            "mov %%esp,%3 \n\t"\
	            "mov %%ebx,%4 \n\t"\
	        : "=m" (__context__[S_REG_EDI]),"=m" (__context__[S_REG_ESI]),\
	        "=m" (__context__[S_REG_EBP]),"=m" (__context__[S_REG_ESP]),\
	        "=m" (__context__[S_REG_EBX]));\

Thanks for your future reply.
Best regards, jjp
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