[ECOS] eCos + goAhead probelm

Hao hao@hao.dns2go.com
Tue Aug 17 04:41:00 GMT 2004

Recently,  I modify balloc() in balloc.c of goAhead.
I try to increase 64bytes at the line of  malloc() .  And the problem of 
out of memory disappeared.
So , I think it's not the probelm caused by eCos.
I think it's caused by goAhead somewhere that call balloc() and use 
wrong size.

Now, in my target, goAhead still unstable just like you say. Then I use 
very simple web page instead of default web page(home.asp).
It still unstable, but not crashed.
But it can work very fine when I use 'lynx' instead of other browser(IE, 
I don't know what's the difference of behavior between lynx and other 
browser (IE,mozilla).

Hope this information can help you something.


>Hello Hao!
>I've got the same problem!
>The target has eCos 2.0, and I use GoAhead 2.1.8 as well.
>I'm using an improved kernel, with:
>CYGPKG_NET_MEM_USAGE set to 512K (instead of 256K)
>where NET_MEMPOOL_SIZE is 5/8 of CYGPKG_NET_MEM_USAGE (instead of 1/4)
>CYGPKG_NET_MAX_SOCKETS set to 192 (instead of 16)
>I increased 'bufsize' for bopen() to 192K, 256K, and more (instead of 60K).
>I also tried to create a separate thread with a stack size of 80K (and
>later 120K) and put the original main code inside ...
>... But in all cases the web server was unstable, and crashed after some
> Any suggestion?
>b.t.w. When I load the default GoAhead web site (home.asp),
>it doesn't handle with the left side menu applet (classes/treeapp.jar) -
>it just leaves it black (no error message!)
>The same applet works fine on Linux.
>Why does it behave like that?
>Have you got this problem as well?
>Thanks in advance,
>-- Amir
>Hao wrote:
>I build a target system that use eCos + goAhead web server.
>When I run goAhead , and try to open a page from browser.
>My target is failed at malloc() reutrn NULL.
>But the ping function still work.
>But, it doesn't help.
>Then I try to use 'Simple variable block implementation' instead of
>'Doug Lea's malloc implementatioin'.
>It still don't work.
>My target system already pass all eCos tests include memalloc. And the
>on board memory is
>16MB. I think it's enough for eCos + goAhead.
>It seems goAhead eat all of memory. why ?
>Does anybody has same problem as I ?
>I use goAhead 2.18 + eCos (2004/06/24 got from CVS).
>(I already try goAhead 2.14 ~ 2.18. All that have same problem)

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