[ECOS] Can jskov and gthomas please give me a hand on this question? Thanks a lot.

Qiang Huang jameshq@liverpool.ac.uk
Sun Jan 19 22:31:00 GMT 2003

Hi jskov, gthomas:
     I have already sent such similar question onto the mailing-list some
weeks ago, but still have no reply. I am sorry to bother you, but I have
been stuck for some weeks and still can't figure it out. Since you two have
done the platform port for Altera Excalibur board(ARM9/Excalibur), could you
tell me a little more about how I can run the ecos app onto this board?
Thanks a lot.
Do I need to install redboot onto this board? Can I still use the
ByteBlaster (or MultiICE) to debug the ecos app? how can I configure the PLD
I am thinking of the following solution:

step 1: make the ecos app image(elf).
step 2: combine the *.sbi(PLD image)+*.sbd(ARM stripe configuration)  by
using "makeprogfile.exe" ( Here do I need to use the *.sbd file, or config
the ARM Stripe by the ecos app?)
(From the source code I think the ARM stripe initialization is achived by
the ecos app "PLATFORM_SETUP1", so do I need this step, if this step is not
needed then how can I include the PLD configuration info?)

step 3: link the ecos app (elf) + file generated in step 2 -->  final *.elf

step 4: flash the final image to flash memory by the byteblaster by
( do I need to use the altera bootloader for the flash image? how could I
make ecos app code to be copied from flash to SDRAM? and run from there? BTW
is this ecos port cofigured for "RUN FROM  FLASH" or "Boot from flash but
run from RAM"?)

step 5: run and debug the user image by using Insight

Thanks you very very much.

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