[ECOS] Sequence of bring-up code on MBX860

Barton Meeks bartonm2002@yahoo.com
Thu Jul 18 14:41:00 GMT 2002

To keep my head screwed on straight, I jotted down the
sequence of functions and files used to bring up the
MBX860, which is a PowerPC MPC860 board.

Hopefully this will be useful to someone else as well.


Key Files:

Boot sequence:

0xfe000100:	Reset vector, jumps to _start 

0xfe002000:	_start is in vectors.S, which immediately
calls hal_cpu_init

0xfe002000:	hal_cpu_init is defined in varient.inc
		Disables caches and MMU

0xfe002064:	continues in vectors.S. 
		Sets up global offset table
		Sets time base register to 0.
		bl hal_hardware_init

0xfe008610	hal_hardware_init, mbx.S
		IMMB in IMMR set
		data/instruction caches cleared, disabled
		SIU init, bus monitor, REFA, REFB, RTC, SERC, ALR,
periodic timer
		UPMS set up (optional, but done in my configuration)
		Refresh prescale
		Chip selects
		CPU clock
		mask SIU interrupts
		decrementer set to max
		enable timebase and decrementer
		move return address to where ROM is
		branches back to 0xfe002080, hal_hardware_init_done

0xfe002080:	hal_hardware_init_done, vectors.S
		(copying of the rom vectors is not done)
		set up (interrupt?) stack
		call hal_mon_init

0xfe00208c:	hal_mon_init, varient.inc (first of 3
version for ROM startup)
		copy rom vectors to ram
		initialize VSR table
		returns to vectors.S

0xfe002108:	continuing in vectors.S, line 314
		copy data (data section from linker?) from ROM to
		clear out BSS, SBSS section
		set up stack frame, ready to call C code

		hal_varient_init (disables serialization)
		    hal_if_init (in cyg/hal/hal_if.h, is this part
of the compiler?)
		enable MMU
		(optional) initialize_stub
		(optional) hal_ctrlc_isr_init

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