[ECOS] I have problem in gdb-stub. pleas help me~

ddanggi ddanggi@adam.kaist.ac.kr
Wed Aug 14 06:06:00 GMT 2002

I have problem in gdb-stub. 
( I want to port ecos system to my H/W-MPC850 board. and I use cygwin) 

I buid ecos-Kernel so get the library.
And I make simple-test file with this library.
(powerpc-eabi-gcc -g -I/c/building/8_05_install/include test.c -L/c/building/8_05_install/lib -Ttarget.ld -nostdlib -o test.exe)

Using powerpce-eabi-gdb(insight), I pushed the run button but there is no response.
( when gbd download the file, download status windows is displayed. 
 Although the button below is change from Cancel to OK during download, the .vectors bar and .text bar is not full of 
blue coloer. Is it right? )

I have two hypothesis.

The first is that my gdb-stub is incomplete.
: I want to examin the gdb-stub using simple file which is independent ecos. but i find
that compiling simple file with powerpc-eabi-gcc demand to make the new linker-script. so 
I faild. 

The second is that the option of buiding ecos-Kenel is not proper.

please advise to me~

And I have a question in vector.S 
When the gdb-stub load the test-file and run file, test-file also excute 
the code which is in vector.S. Re-execution the code in vector.S result in
clearing BSS, initiailizing sp-pointer and etc. 
Doesn't the Re-execution make the probelm in operation of  gdb-stub? 

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