[ECOS] RedBoot serial speed

Jonathan Larmour jlarmour@redhat.com
Tue Sep 25 12:57:00 GMT 2001

Mathieu Routhier wrote:
> Hi,
> I use RedBoot for AT91-EB40 and I think it's great.  But I would like to
> know how to increase the serial connection speed.  Currently, the
> RedBoot docs say the default speed is 38400 but it doesn't say how to
> change that value.  Is it possible to increase it?  Is it limited by
> hardware?  Do I need to recompile RedBoot?

For that platform yes (on some you can do it from the command line). There
should be a configuration option you can change in the AT91 HAL package
> Or is there a way I can reduce the amount of data uploaded?  Srec is not
> very efficient compared to binary.  But the output of the compiler gives
> something like 1Mb.  A conversion to srec gives about 200k.  How can I
> convert it to raw binary to give something around 50k? (because srec
> uses 4 times more data than necessary due to its ascii hex encoding).

You can investigate uploading compressed (using gzip) srecs instead, and
using load -d in redboot.

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