[ECOS] --entry= (slightly off topic)

Fabrice Gautier Fabrice_Gautier@sdesigns.com
Thu Sep 20 15:23:00 GMT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trenton D. Adams [ mailto:tadams@theone.dnsalias.com ]
> Subject: [ECOS] --entry= (slightly off topic)
> However, it ends up like this.
> 00008000 <Prepare_To_Flash-0xc>:
>     8000:       e3a0d201        mov     sp, #268435456  ; 0x10000000
>     8004:       e38ddc96        orr     sp, sp, #38400  ; 0x9600
>     8008:       ebffffff        bl      800c <Prepare_To_Flash>
> 8000 is the default entry point, and that's not what I want.  I want
> 0x00000000.

Maybe what you want is to use a linker script. Use :  -Ttarget.ld 

arm-elf-gcc.exe -Ttarget.ld -nostdlib -nostartfiles -O1 -Wl,--entry=0x0
stack_manager.s bootcode-J3-rev4.c

Where target.ld is a linker script such as the one providd by eCos hal.


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