[ECOS] Can't build redboot for sythetic linux target with floppy startup

Jack Kong jack@hkite.com
Wed Oct 17 20:41:00 GMT 2001

Hi all,

I am recently confused on building embedded system with eCos since I am new
to the field.

Firstly, I want to ask.

1.    Is ROM startup mean I have to burn/load the eCos as the firmware?

2.    Is RAM startup mean startup with floppy or something else (etc,
harddisk or flash)?

Secondly, I tried to build the redboot for synthetic linux target. And I
have the following questions

1.    Is building redboot/eCos for synthetic linux means I can execute the
program exactly the same as the version running on my linux box? (For an
instance, I have a program called "abc" running on my linux box, Red Hat
linux 7.x)

2.    What's the difference between PC target and synthetic linux target? I
have searched for the answer from the discussion mail list, but I still

3.    I have tried the following to build redboot for synthetic linux
target. I want to boot with floopy. But I can't do it.
Here are the steps.

[root@eCosTest eCosTest4]# ecosconfig new linux redboot

C CYGBLD_BUILD_REDBOOT, "requires" constraint not satisfied:
C CYGPRI_REDBOOT_ROM_MONITOR, "requires" constraint not satisfied:

[root@eCosTest eCosTest4]# ecosconfig check

Target: linux
Template: redboot
2 conflict(s):
C CYGBLD_BUILD_REDBOOT, "requires" constraint not satisfied:
C CYGPRI_REDBOOT_ROM_MONITOR, "requires" constraint not satisfied:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - TWO Conflicts

Can anyone help?
Jack Kong.

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