[ECOS] booting from ROM

Warren Jasper Warren.Jasper@bops.com
Tue Oct 9 10:12:00 GMT 2001

I know this has been asked before, but could someone please tell me
EXACTLY what needs to be done from going from a RAM build to a ROM BUILD?
I'm on a custom board that uses the SA1110, very close to the assabet or

I have built redboot, gdb_module.bin and applications.  Now I just want a
ROM standalone version of an application.  I tried the following:

1. In my ecos.ecc file, I changed the user value of the
    CYG_HAL_STARTUP component to

    user_value ROM

2. ecosconfig tree

3. I then pointed my install directory to the new ROM install, and remade
   the hello program, but used diag_printf("Hello World\n");

4. then I ran
    arm-elf-objcopy -O binary hello hello.bin

5. Jflash hello.bin  (copies the binary image into FLASH)

6. launch minicom

7. push the little red button ... (nothing)

I also put a diag_printf towards the end of my hal to see if something would
but I just get a blank space on the screen on reboot.

Any suggestions?



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