[ECOS] Problem with tcp/ip

Manganotto Filippo manganot@arena.sci.univr.it
Tue May 29 01:49:00 GMT 2001

    we are a group of student of University of Verona. We have some problems
with eCos. We are installing version 1.3.1 on linux machine with redhat 7.0.
The installation doesn't give problems. Now we try to install tcp/ip stack
because we want to use socket, but when we try to run test applications
(ftp_test or server_test or ...) they doesn't start the networt interface,
infact the value of variable eth0_up is 0.

To install eCos we did the following steps:
1) tar xvfz ecos-1.3.1.tar.gz
2) mkdir ecos-work && cd ecos-work
3) ecosconfig new linux

To install tcp/ip stack we did the following steps:
1) tcl ecosadmin add net-1.0b.epk
2) ecosconfig add CYGPKG_NET
3) ecosconfig add CYGPKG_NET_ETH_DRIVERS
----(we doesn't add the other package because create conflict) ----
4) ecosconfig tree
5) make && make tests

Please help us!!

Thanks Univr

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