[ECOS] ebsa285 and AMD AM29LV800 flash

Jesper Skov jskov@cambridge.redhat.com
Tue Jun 12 00:34:00 GMT 2001

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael K Link <linkmk@anubis.network.com> writes:

Michael> Would anyone know the correct way for implementing the AMD
Michael> AM29LV800 flash on the ebsa285?  I am trying to do with using
Michael> ecosconfig on the command line and editing the redboot.ecm
Michael> provided and then importing it.  I have tried including the
Michael> package CYGPKG_DEVS_FLASH_AMD_AM29XXXXX and enabling the
Michael> option CYGHWR_DEVS_FLASH_AMD_AM29LV800, but it appears
Michael> CYGINT_DEVS_FLASH_AMD_AM29XXXXX_REQUIRED needs to be active.
Michael> Thanks.

Look at the mbx flash driver. You need some requires and implements
statements in your CDL.


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