[ECOS] odd serial input bug in redboot 095308 20010607 on iP

Gary Thomas gthomas@cambridge.redhat.com
Fri Jun 8 10:30:00 GMT 2001

On 08-Jun-2001 David Bliss wrote:
> I don't have a gdb for arm/elf; I can probably install it over the weekend if
> it would be useful (which it sounds like it would).  I did not load the eCos

Absolutely useful :-)

> ROMFS; the web page indicates that it's only needed if you want to burn the
> nanox demo to flash.
> I've just installed ecosroms.gz and reinstalled nanoxdemo; same result.
> I guess I'll have to wait until I get an arm/elf debugger set up?
> I do wonder why it's giving me such trouble, though.  I was under the
> impression that this stuff was pretty extensively used.

It is and should be pretty stable.  However, some things are moving targets
and not everything keeps up to date.  The iPAQ has changed somewhat since
I wrote that demo (and the instructions) and not everything may be up to date.

That said, it did run fine for me when I tested it here today.

After you download the nanoxdemo, try running 'cksum' on the image.  Then
compare it with what you get from the host.
        RedBoot> lo -r -d -b 0x20000 nanoxdemo.gz
        Raw file loaded 0x00020000-0x00104a50
        RedBoot> cksum -b 0x20000 -l 0xe4a50
        POSIX cksum = 0x1ba7e900 (463988992)

        $ cksum /tftpboot/nanoxdemo 
        463988992 936528 /tftpboot/nanoxdemo

The numbers in () should match.

Note: I just found out why you were having trouble with the "lo -d" setup
above.  It was because of a buffer overflow in the latest version of RedBoot
on the iPAQ (which you have from June 7 - moving target, remember).  I've now
repaired this and new versions will appear sometime [hopefully soon].  In any
case, you can verify the values against the non-compressed version.

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