[ECOS] odd serial input bug in redboot 095308 20010607 on iP

David Bliss david@ytterby.dbsi.org
Fri Jun 8 09:45:00 GMT 2001

On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 10:19:45AM -0600, Gary Thomas wrote:
> Obviously this took a similar path to system initialization that got things working.
> Makes sense.

That's what I thought, too.

> Try uncompressing the file on the server (host) end.  Then try the load command
>   RedBoot> load -r -b 0x20000 -m ym
>   RedBoot> go 0x20040

Hm.  It seems some overzealous web client decompressed this while downloading
it.  Without bothering to change the extension or tell me about it of course.
Naturally this confused the downloader.  It seems to work now after I
recompressed it.  However, I get horrible screen glitches while uploading --
looks like random blocks of the screen blitted to random other locations 15-20 
times per second.  (But only using load -d, not using load...)  Is this 
expected behaviour? :)

Curioser and curiouser.  If I upload the compressed version with load -d, it
complains of a CRC error.  If I upload the uncompressed version and go 0x20040,
I get '$T050f:4c000200;0d:e4b80000;#79' and '$T050f:4c000200;0d:e4b80000;#79'
in response to every keystroke (alternately).  Any  clue what *that* is?


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