[ECOS] Flash Support in eCos

Jesper Skov jskov@redhat.com
Wed Aug 8 01:57:00 GMT 2001

>>>>> "RAY" == RAY Electronic-Design GmbH <info@raygmbh.de> writes:

RAY> As i wanted to port the flash support in eCos i came to the
RAY> following: In most platforms for which this is already
RAY> implemented (e.g.: EDB7XXX) there is one function per c-file
RAY> specially compiled to get it's length and copy it to ram before
RAY> calling it, because if the function is executing out of the
RAY> flash, it will not work.

Look at the AMD driver - it relies on the IO flash driver to disable
the cache before the functions (which reside in RAM) are called. You
probably have to add a .2ram section in the linker script - see the
linker scripts in the SH HAL for an example.


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