[ECOS] hal_mips_rm7000_ocelot.cdl

Chris Morrow cmorrow@YottaYotta.com
Thu Aug 2 22:37:00 GMT 2001

I don't think the following from hal_mips_rm7000_ocelot.cdl
is quite right.

make -priority 320 {
        <PREFIX>/bin/gdb_module.srec : <PREFIX>/bin/gdb_module.img
        $(OBJCOPY) --strip-unneeded -O srec $< pre-swap.srec
        $(OBJCOPY) --change-address 0xbfc00000 -I binary -O srec be.bin

Who is supposed to have create be.bin?

Chris Morrow	YottaYotta Inc. email: cmorrow@yottayotta.com
phone: (780) 989 6814 web:	http:  //www.yottayotta.com

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