[ECOS] select () confusion

Trenton D. Adams tadams@extremeeng.com
Thu Aug 2 15:30:00 GMT 2001

  > Yeah, that's because the reason it was there originally was for
  > efficiency,
  > and we know that's not relevant for Windows ;).
LMAO, I agree.  But, doesn't that assume that the programmer actually
knows how to program efficiently?  I mean wouldn't it be more efficient
for someone that knows what efficient is to do this internally?

  > >  Since FD_SET always
  > > increments the fd count anyhow, I don't see a point in even using
  > > first parameter.
  > Eh? FD_SET doesn't change the value of the highest fd you will be
  > selecting
  > on, or the number of fds you have. It just sets a bit in a bitmask
  > fdset).

Oh, I was referring to the windows docs.  I guess they are completely
different.  I can definitely see why that would be efficient now.  After
all, an fd_set in eCos is only an array of integer masks.  Bit
manipulation is much faster than going through an array of SOCKETs.

eCos fd_set
typedef	struct fd_set {
	fd_mask	fds_bits[__howmany(FD_SETSIZE, __NFDBITS)];
} fd_set;

windows fd_set (LMAO, they suck)
typedef struct fd_set {
  u_int    fd_count;                 // how many are SET? 
  SOCKET   fd_array[FD_SETSIZE];     // an array of SOCKETs 
} fd_set;

And, infact windows does increment an fdcount! :) LOL

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