[ECOS] sem_getvalue

Boris V. Guzhov borg@int.spb.ru
Mon Apr 16 06:41:00 GMT 2001


I use shapshot April 5 2001.

In packages/compat/posix/current/src/sem.cxx file
there is function:

externC int sem_getvalue  (sem_t *sem, int *sval)
    int retval;
    Cyg_Counting_Semaphore *sema = (Cyg_Counting_Semaphore *)sem;
    retval = sema->peek();
    CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( retval );
    return retval;

I think that it wrong.

And the following is correct:

externC int sem_getvalue  (sem_t *sem, int *sval)
    int retval;
    Cyg_Counting_Semaphore *sema = (Cyg_Counting_Semaphore *)sem;
    *sval = sema->peek();
    CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( retval );
    return 0;

That's right?

Boris Guzhov,
St.Petersburg, Russia

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