[ECOS] Conversion of exeutable a.out to elf format

Jonathan Larmour jlarmour@redhat.co.uk
Wed May 3 05:23:00 GMT 2000

Bart Veer wrote:
> >>>>> "Pragya" == Pragya Gupta <pragya_g@hotmail.com> writes:
>     Pragya>     I am installing ecos1.3.1 over windowsNT 4.0. My
>     Pragya> target is arm processor.For debugging purpose, i wish to
>     Pragya> use the debugger provided with the armulator . This
>     Pragya> debugger excepts the file in elf format ( with the
>     Pragya> extension .axf ) . But when i build a file using
>     Pragya> arm-elf-gcc, i get an executable 'a.out' which the
>     Pragya> debugger is not excepting. Is there any conversion utility
>     Pragya> to convert any executable from one format to other ( to
>     Pragya> elf format in this case)?
> If you have built a GNU elf toolchain then it will produce elf
> executables. The name a.out for the default executable is used purely
> for historical reasons and does not say anything about the file
> format.
> In this case I suspect that there is a bug somewhere in the armulator
> or in the GNU toolchain. It is possible that the GNU toolchain has
> produced a perfectly valid elf executable but, due to a bug, the
> armulator cannot handle the file - after all the armulator will have
> been tested primarily using the ARM tools. It is also possible that
> the GNU toolchain is producing an invalid elf executable

I don't think .axf files are pure ELF. I believe (but I'm not sure) that
they are an ARM invention based on ELF, but with extra headers at the
front, and perhaps other differences. GNU tools definitely can't handle

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