[ECOS] infinite loop of create a new thread

Jonathan Larmour jlarmour@cygnus.co.uk
Tue Dec 5 19:40:00 GMT 2000

pyxue wrote:
> Hi;
> I meet a strange problem during my porting ecos to another platform. If I
> didn't use create a new  thread function in my  test, everything
> seems well, but if I use this function, my new thread can't run, on the
> other hand, the program jump to the init io device, and run in a circle
> from init io device to cyg_start.
> I am sure the kernel should be the same in porting ecos to another
> platform, but when we create a new thread, maybe we use something which is
> related to platform, and this cause my program not to work well.
> Can someone give me some indications ? Many thanks!

Stack corruption? Is the board actually resetting - sometimes failures can
cause a board to reset, which may give the appearance of it looping.

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