[ECOS] Inside eCos : the new operator

Robin Farine advanc@dial.eunet.ch
Tue Aug 22 01:41:00 GMT 2000

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Fabrice Gautier wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bart Veer [ mailto:bartv@redhat.com ]
> > Subject: Re: [ECOS] Inside eCos : the new operator
> > 
> > The invocation of the new() operator involves C++ 
> > placement syntax,
> > which is just part of the standard language.
> > 
> > If the code looks something like:
> > 
> >     Object* ptr = new Object(arg1, arg2);
> > 
> > then this invokes the default new operator, which will perform dynamic
> > memory allocation - I suspect it would end up calling malloc(), but
> > have not checked this.
> In this case, I suspect this will fail if the libc is not compiled as a part
> of eCos. In another message you mentionned the fact that eCos was not
> written with dynamic allocation in mind so I wonder how it handle a
> "dynamic" new operator. Does/Can it uses memory pools? 
> > [...]
> > I am not sure what gcc patch you are referring to.
> The one I had to apply when building the gnu toolchain for eCos (as refered
> in the eCos installation documentation)
> Thanks
> -- 
> Fabrice Gautier
> fabrice_gautier@sdesigns.com 


The gcc distribution provides default implementations (libgcc) for the
different flavors of the "new" and "delete" operators. They rely on
malloc/free to obtain/release system memory regions.

However, in C++ you can overload any operator or function so you could do
something like this to avoid using the default implementation:

  define a header file, "my_new.h" for instance, that redefines the
  standard flavors of the new and delete operators:

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

     inline void* operator new (size_t size)
       return my_allocate(size);

     inline void* operator new[] (size_t size)
       return ::operator new(size);

     inline void* operator new (size_t, void* addr)
       return addr;

     inline void* operator new[] (size_t, void* addr)
       return addr;

     inline void operator delete (void* p)

     inline void operator delete[] (void* p)
        ::operator delete(p);

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  where "my_allocate()" and "my_deallocate()" handle the real job.

Then, include "my_new.h" instead of the standard "new.h" or "new" header
files. Alternatively, you could define custom "new" and "new.h" header
files in a directory that CPP includes from before its private headers
(specified using the -I CPP option).

Note also that you can define other version of those operators with
additional arguments, possibly dummy, such as:

     inline void* operator new (size_t size, MemPartition* mp)
       return mp_allocate(mp, size);

and use it like this:

     Class_A* a = new(an_mp) Class_A(args);

where an_mp has type MemPartition*.

Or you can define class member versions that handle
allocation/deallocation of instances of that or derived classes, but this
becomes a bit more complex ... See

  Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information
  Systems Programming Language C++

for a complete reference.

Hope this helps,


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