[ECOS] Support Web Page? (MBX issue)

Jamie Guinan guinan@bluebutton.com
Wed Sep 1 22:27:00 GMT 1999

Hi all,

I'm supposed to ask this on the Cygnus support web page since
my current client has a support contract, but either 
  (a) I'm stupid
  (b) the web pages at http://support.cygnus.com have changed
  enough recently that I can't navigate my way to the problem 
  submission form.
  (c), both (a) and (b).

Failing my attempt to find the support form, I have a question
(I'll happily re-submit it to the problem support area if anyone
can point me to it).

I have a brand-new MBX board, and I am unable to get the GDB stubrom
image to work.  I tried both "powerpc-mbx/gdbload.bin" that came
with our supported distribution, and a "stubrom" image built according
to Jonathon Lamour's instructions,


I tftp'd the binary images to the target system using the EPPCBug
monitor, then used PFLASH to burn them into the 32-bit flash memory
(4 soldered chips).  EPPCBug is running from the 8-bit flash device
(1 socketed chip).

Anyway, when I switch J4 to boot from the 32-bit flash memory,
I get nothing.  I ran "powerpc-eabi-gdb -b 9600" and did a
"target remote /dev/ttyS0" but it failed to connect.  Browsing
the sources I expected to see a "+" sign emitted at boot time
but I saw nothing through my terminal emulator.

Any tricks to get the GDB stub to work on the MBX?

I tried the above several times, and even burned a copy of the 
EPPCBug monitor into the 32bit flash and that worked fine.


Jamie Guinan                         Blue Button Solutions, Inc.
guinan@bluebutton.com                  http://www.bluebutton.com

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