paper type

Hubert Sokolowski
Wed Apr 27 12:05:00 GMT 2005

> Le Mercredi 27 Avril 2005 11:16, Hubert Sokolowski a ĂŠcrit :
>> Hi!
>> Sorry for asking again, as I suppose, very newbie questions. I have
>> upgraded  openjade and jadetex to the latest versions, and installed
>> Normal Walsh's style sheets. I also have some xml tests documents. How
>> to
>> generate a PDF document from for example informaltable.001.xml (as found
>> in docbook-testdocs-1.1) using openjade and jadetex ?
> docbook2html ?
> But if you want to use fop, as your previous messge stated, you don't need
> neither openjade nor jadetex. That's for DSSSL.
I have decided to use openjade with DSSSL and pdfjadetex. but when I
execute a command
 openjade -s /usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-dsssl-1.79/common/catalog -d
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-dsssl-1.79/print/docbook.dsl file.xml

I get errors like this
openjade:E: error reading
"/usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-dsssl-1.79/print" (It is a directory)
character "O" not allowed in prolog

openjade:E: specification document does not have the DSSSL architecture as
a base architecture

this is probably a bad way to execute openjade but I could not find any
examples on it.

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