Docbook in Red Hat 7.1

Tim Waugh
Sat Apr 21 15:35:00 GMT 2001

On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 03:41:11PM -0600, Mark Galassi wrote:

> As it turns out, Red Hat has completed what Eric and I did but never
> formally released: if they are using "jadewrapper" it means that they
> took our stuff out of CVS (and out of our interim release) and put
> that out.

Eric Bischoff had been pressing for us to use the new-trials packages,
and it became more attractive with LSB acceptance.  What we have in
Red Hat Linux 7.1 is basically the new-trials packages with some
slight re-packaging and some fixes.  I haven't yet sent the fixes
back, but it's on my list.

> I'll take a better look.  Just a few hours ago I finally started
> preparing a new release based on all the work Eric and I did last
> summer/fall, and I think it will be good.


> One thing you don't mention in your note is what overall wrapper they
> have.

The 'jw' script from docbook-utils-0.6.

> I'll also take a look at the index collating: I have done little with
> that, and I have not tested it either.

(Me either.)

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