db2pdf: cannot generate system identifier for public text...

Peter Toft pto@sslug.dk
Fri Jan 19 13:50:00 GMT 2001

Friends - One of the oldies but goodies :-)

I still struggle with the problem that doing
a PS og PDF output from my SGML DocBook source could
create lines, which a going longer than the right side
margin of the paper, e.g.

this line could if but then on the other hand you well
should look at <ulink url=" http://cvs.sslug.dk/linuxbog/httpsplit.pl ">this URL</ulink>

Depending on the about of "bla bla bla" in from of the
<ulink> the ulink-tag produces code, which lead to my

We have tried to cure the problem by invoking
http://cvs.sslug.dk/linuxbog/httpsplit.pl - the odd
usage of ComMand in there makes it simple to trace
where we have changes. The idea in the small Perl
program is really to replace

http://cvs.sslug.dk /linuxbog /httpsplit.pl

This is a good way - all the line breaks disappear :-)

BUT it could be even better if we - in some way - could
avoid the additional spaces and get a VERY small
space-like character where the line can be broken
without the output of the ordinary space.

Well - as I told you - it is my old irritating problem,
so if you have a better solution that our httpsplit.pl
please come forward.

Best regards to you all

Peter Toft, Ph.D. [pto@sslug.dk] http://www.sslug.dk/~pto

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