gpg2 / gpg-agent passphrase prompt

Brian Inglis
Fri Jan 24 18:02:44 GMT 2025

On 2025-01-24 10:00, ASSI via Cygwin wrote:
> ASSI via Cygwin writes:
>> Turns out that the (fresh) installation of Cygwin on this machine which
>> has exactly the same package selection was hosed up by a different
>> package installation order:  Some time ago the GnuPG2 package was
>> changed to replace /usr/bin/gpg (and gpg2 is now a symlink to that), but
>> of course the old gpg package installs it's own executable in exactly
>> the same place.  Guess which package was installed last… :-)
> Further, the reason it attempts to install both versions is that wget
> (and wget2) pull in libgpgme11, which in turn wants gnupg.  Given that
> gnupg v1 is dead as a dodo on Cygwin that doesn't look right…

gpgme is ORPHANED with no maintainer - CCing and RT apps

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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