Re: Mintty math fonts to render '√π⁷≤∞'

Thomas Wolff
Mon Jan 13 14:15:00 GMT 2025

Am 13.01.2025 um 13:39 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:
> On 2023/10/08, Thomas Wolff wrote about mintty font handling:
>> By the way, as CJK fonts are usually not very suitable for Latin text
>> (mostly not being monowidth in the first place), there is a useful
>> mechanism in mintty that allows you to use your favourite CJK and
>> non-CJK fonts together.  It's the FontChoice setting for secondary
>> fonts:
>> Font=Lucida Console
>> Font2=MS ゴシック
>> FontChoice=CJK:2
> This solved the problem I was having with half-width Korean characters.
> Because the MingLiu font was good for Japanese and Latin text, and the
> good Korean Malgun Gothic font did not draw Japanese characters well, I have in
> .minttyrc:
> Font=MingLiU
> Font2=Malgun Gothic
> FontChoice=Hangul:2
> This works without problem.
> I'm now looking for a math font to render the
> √π⁷≤∞
Most fonts I checked, including Consolas and my favourite DejaVu Sans
Mono, render these characters well.
> Unicode example of the recent
> article using the same FontChoice mechanism
> The MingLiu font rendering of 'π' is unreadable.
> Does anyone have suggestions for a math font?

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