env and PATH

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@yandex.ru
Sat Jan 4 20:13:16 GMT 2025

Greetings, Federico Kircheis!

> On 04/01/2025 02.41, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Greetings, Federico Kircheis!
>> >> Hello to everyone,
>> > >> I've noticed that env seems to handle the environment variable PATH in a particular way
>> > >> -----
>>   >> cd /d;
>>   >> env -i PATH='C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;' /c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe
>>> # in the powershell instance
>>> echo $env:PATH
>>> C;D:\Windows;C;D:\Windows\system32;
>>> ----
>> > Fully expected behavior. `env` expects POSIX semantics and parsed your
>> command according to that.
>> The results are, as I said, expected, although not by you.
> What do you mean by POSIX semantic?
> On my Linux system, PATH is used unmodified by subprocesses, not transformed.
> This is (IMHO) the expected semantic.

No. env is a Cygwin (POSIX) tool and it works with POSIX paths.
When starting non-POSIX app, Cygwin will translate $PATH back to native

> I am not aware of any rule in POSIX that requires or recommends some
> transformations for environment variables, in that sense, any transformation
> is "unexpected" or an extension to the standard.

That's Cygwin specific.

> It completely makes sense to convert cygwin paths to windows path when
> invoking windows programs, but it is not my case.

Then why TF you supply Windows paths to it?

> Hence why I searched for an option, even an explicit one, to tell cygwin
> not to modify the parameters, but use them as-is.

>>>   From this and other examples it seems that env uses for PATH  as
>>> separator, then preprends the current drive to all paths that begin with '\'
>>> (thus all of them), and ";" is treated as part of the path
>> > Exactly.
>> >> I would like to use the PATH as-is in the invoked program, just like it is done for other variables, for example
>> >> ----
>>> cd /d
>>> env -i OPATH='C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;'
>>> /c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe
>>> # in the powershell instance
>>> echo $env:OPATH
>>> C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;
>>> ----
>> >> in this case OPATH is forwarded as-is to powershell.exe.
>> >> I understand that PATH is special, that for cygwin processes some transformation might be necessary.
>> > It is, but in a way you suppose.
>> >> But is there any way to achieve what I'm trying?
>> > Yes. Pass the POSIX paths in $PATH, they will be converted to Windows ones
>> when invoking a Windows process.
>> Also, I strongly suggest using /proc/cygdrive/ tree in such case, especially
>> when you make scripts for somebody else.

> I was not aware of /proc/cygdrive/, thank you for the hint, although I am not sure how it helps.

>>> I search if there is maybe a separation option for telling env to use PATH as-is, but could not find none.
>> > There's no need or reason to do it.
>> > In your case, what you wanted to achieve could be written as
>> >>> env -i "PATH=$(cygpath -UW):$(cygpath -US):$PATH" pwsh

> The reason is I already have a variable containing the path I should use as
> PATH, and it is the windows expected format.

But you just said that your app is NOT a Windows app. Then why do you attempt
to supply it Windows paths?
Then in your example you invoke PowerShell which IS a Windows app.
So, what was it?

> I need to convert it to a cygwin path, so that env translates it back again.
> It is doable, but sounds completely unnecessary.


> Also it comes at a particular cost at runtime.
> I want to start the subshell as fast as possible.

() will start a subshell. As fast as possible.

> Iterating and invoking an external program (cygpath) for every path takes some time.

Depends on actual use case, it may be just a single invocation for entire

But let's stop there and settle the matter of what we are doing and what is
the expected result.

>> (The "%SystemRoot%" is NOT NECESSARILY 'C:\Windows', though you CAN use
>> "%SystemRoot%\System32" with confidence, once you acquired the former.)
>> (Also, why the *** you are using v1.0? Get v7 already, save yourself the
>> tragedy.)

> Because the executable I invoked is the one installed on all Windows
> versions since Windows 7 (or maybe even Vista?).
> Also the actual version is not 1.0, but something like 5.something (if I remember correctly)

Yes, it's more like v5 at the moment.

> v7 is AFAIK a different product, but most importantly it needs to be
> installed separately, and would not change the issue I have.

But it's infinitely more powerful.
Bonus: /usr/local/bin/pwsh

>> #!/bin/sh
>> if [ "$1" ] && [ -f "${_cmd:="$( cygpath -am -- "$1" )"}" ]; then
>>     shift
>> else
>>     unset _cmd
>> fi
>> if [ "$_cmd" ]; then
>>     "$PROGRAMFILES/PowerShell/7/pwsh.exe" "-NoLogo" "-File" "$_cmd" "$@"
>> else
>>     "$PROGRAMFILES/PowerShell/7/pwsh.exe" "-NoLogo" "$@"
>> fi

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Saturday, January 4, 2025 23:00:36

Sorry for my terrible english...

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