ssh over stunnel hangs on second connection
Sun Feb 18 05:57:00 GMT 2024

matthew patton wrote at about 05:48:06 +0000 on Friday, February 16, 2024:
 > > s_connect: connecting
 > So the 2nd time the STunnel client (listening) never gets to the above line. I'd say attach a debugger (eg. strace) to the stunnel client PID and see why it's unable to invoke the OpenSSL call(s). Or if there is a failure to clean up some socket structure so it can't alloc a new one.
 > In any event I would:1) quit using Cygwin binaries for network tools like Stunnel when native Windows binaries exist.
 > 2) wrap your 'ssh' command such that it invokes stunnel with one-shot configuration (aka changes port every time) and make sure it kills stunnel dead when you exit the SSH session. This way you don't care about Cygwin problems with sockets. Or openssl having re-entry problems.
 > 3) use WSL already

Running stunnel under gdb, shows that when 'ssh' exits, the thread
initiated by the 'ssh' login ends with a 'Segmentation Fault' due to a
SIGSEGV - so it appears that there is an attempt to read/write from an
invalid memory area

Similarly, 'strace' shows repeated "exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000"
after exiting 'ssh'


	(gdb) add-symbol-file /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygstunnel.dll.dbg
	add symbol table from file "/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygstunnel.dll.dbg"
	(y or n) y
	Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygstunnel.dll.dbg...
	(gdb) run
	Starting program: /bin/stunnel
	[New Thread 11260.0x17b0]
	[New Thread 11260.0x23dc]
	[New Thread 11260.0x48ec]
	[New Thread 11260.0xed0]
	[New Thread 11260.0x4f60]
	[Thread 11260.0x4f60 exited with code 0]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Initializing inetd mode configuration
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Clients allowed=1562
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: stunnel 5.71 on x86_64-pc-cygwin
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: Compiled with OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: Running  with OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: Threading:PTHREAD Sockets:POLL,IPv6
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: errno: (*__errno())
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Initializing inetd mode configuration
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: Reading configuration from file
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: UTF-8 byte order mark not detected
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: FIPS mode disabled
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Compression disabled
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: No PRNG seeding was required
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Initializing service [ssh]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Initializing context [ssh]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: stunnel default security level set: 2
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Ciphers: HIGH:!aNULL:!SSLv2:!DH:!kDHEPSK
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: TLSv1.3 ciphersuites:
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: TLS options: 0x2100000 (+0x0, -0x0)
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Session resumption enabled
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: No certificate or private key specified
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Configured trusted server CA: C=US,
	ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=Myuser Consulting,,
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: OCSP: Client OCSP stapling enabled
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: DH initialization skipped: client
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: ECDH initialization
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: ECDH initialized with curves
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG5[ui]: Configuration successful
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Deallocating deployed section defaults
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Cleaning up context [stunnel]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Binding service [ssh]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Listening file descriptor created (FD=8)
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Setting accept socket options (FD=8)
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Option SO_REUSEADDR set on accept socket
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Service [ssh] (FD=8) bound to ::1:2222
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Listening file descriptor created
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Setting accept socket options (FD=10)
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Option SO_REUSEADDR set on accept socket
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Service [ssh] (FD=10) bound to
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[ui]: Created pid file /var/run/
	[New Thread 11260.0x2a08]
	[New Thread 11260.0x4f7c]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[per-second]: Per-second thread initialized
	[New Thread 11260.0x4db8]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[per-day]: Per-day thread initialized
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[ui]: Accepting new connections
	[New Thread 11260.0x2414]
	[New Thread 11260.0x3444]
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[per-day]: Executing per-day jobs
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG6[per-day]: Per-day jobs completed in 0 seconds
	2024.02.17 23:58:11 LOG7[per-day]: Waiting 86400 seconds
	[New Thread 11260.0x4a1c]
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[ui]: Found 1 ready file descriptor(s)
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[ui]: FD=4 events=0x1 revents=0x0
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[ui]: FD=8 events=0x1 revents=0x1
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[ui]: FD=10 events=0x1 revents=0x0
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[ui]: Service [ssh] accepted (FD=3) from
	[New Thread 11260.0x2910]
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Service [ssh] started
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Setting local socket options (FD=3)
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on local socket
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG5[0]: Service [ssh] accepted connection from
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: s_connect: connecting
	[New Thread 11260.0x1cb4]
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: FD=6 events=0x1 revents=0x0
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: FD=12 events=0x5 revents=0x0
	[New Thread 11260.0x357c]
	[New Thread 11260.0x4cd0]
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG5[0]: s_connect: connected
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG5[0]: Service [ssh] connected remote server
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Setting remote socket options (FD=12)
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on remote socket
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Remote descriptor (FD=12) initialized
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: SNI: sending servername:
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: Peer certificate required
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): before SSL
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Initializing application specific data
	for session authenticated
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write
	client hello
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write
	client hello
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read
	server hello
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): TLSv1.3 read
	encrypted extensions
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Verification started at depth=0: C=US,
	ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=Myuser Consulting,,
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: CERT: Pre-verification succeeded
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: CERT: Host name "" matched
	with ""
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: OCSP: Waiting for OCSP stapling response
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG5[0]: Certificate accepted at depth=0: C=US,
	ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=Myuser Consulting,,
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read
	server certificate
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): TLSv1.3 read server
	certificate verify
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: OCSP stapling: Client callback called
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: OCSP: Ignoring the root certificate
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write
	change cipher spec
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]:      1 client connect(s) requested
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]:      1 client connect(s) succeeded
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]:      0 client renegotiation(s) requested
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]:      0 session reuse(s)
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: TLS connected: new session negotiated
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: TLSv1.3 ciphersuite:
	TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256-bit encryption)
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: Peer temporary key: X25519, 253 bits
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Compression: null, expansion: null
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSL negotiation
	finished successfully
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSL negotiation
	finished successfully
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Initializing application specific data
	for session authenticated
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Deallocating application specific data
	for session connect address
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: New session callback
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Peer certificate was cached (1444 bytes)
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: Session id:
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read
	server session ticket
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSL negotiation
	finished successfully
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSL negotiation
	finished successfully
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Initializing application specific data
	for session authenticated
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: New session callback
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: Deallocating application specific data
	for session connect address
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG6[0]: Session id:
	2024.02.17 23:58:24 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read
	server session ticket
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG6[0]: Read socket closed (readsocket)
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: Sending close_notify alert
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: TLS alert (write): warning: close notify
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG6[0]: SSL_shutdown successfully sent
	close_notify alert
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: TLS alert (read): warning: close notify
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG6[0]: TLS closed (SSL_read)
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: Sent socket write shutdown
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG5[0]: Connection closed: 3129 byte(s) sent to
	TLS, 3001 byte(s) sent to socket
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: Remote descriptor (FD=12) closed
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: Local descriptor (FD=3) closed
	2024.02.17 23:58:40 LOG7[0]: Service [ssh] finished (0 left)
	Thread 13 "stunnel" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
	[Switching to Thread 11260.0x2910]
	0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()


111279  111590 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 3, m = 4.  verifying
  488  112078 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: timed out
  518  112596 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 1
  591  113187 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 1
  497  113684 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
 1086  114770 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  676  115446 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: recalculating us
  386  115832 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: timed out after verification
  488  116320 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  454  116774 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  401  117175 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 0 = select (7, 0x7FFDFCC00, 0x7FFDFCBF0, 0x7FFDFCBE0, 0x7FFDFCB90)
 3025  120200 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (7, 0x7FFDFCC00, 0x7FFDFCBF0, 0x7FFDFCBE0, 0x7FFDFCB90, 0x0)
  264  120464 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 1, to->tv_nsec 0, us 1000000
  155  120619 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
   70  120689 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  152  120841 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 4, us 1000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   81  120922 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
1002650 1123572 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 3, m = 4.  verifying
  477 1124049 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: timed out
  600 1124649 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 1
  341 1124990 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 1
  341 1125331 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  668 1125999 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  499 1126498 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: recalculating us
  202 1126700 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: timed out after verification
  292 1126992 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  242 1127234 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   99 1127333 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 0 = select (7, 0x7FFDFCC00, 0x7FFDFCBF0, 0x7FFDFCBE0, 0x7FFDFCB90)
  784 1128117 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (7, 0x7FFDFCC00, 0x7FFDFCBF0, 0x7FFDFCBE0, 0x7FFDFCB90, 0x0)
  191 1128308 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 1, to->tv_nsec 0, us 1000000
  209 1128517 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  186 1128703 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  538 1129241 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  265 1129506 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 4, us 1000000, wmfo_timeout -1
182325 1311831 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  592 1312423 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  552 1312975 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  488 1313463 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  395 1313858 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  503 1314361 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  446 1314807 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  569 1315376 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  597 1315973 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  579 1316552 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
  570 1317122 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  495 1317617 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  490 1318107 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  957 1319064 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
 1037 1320101 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  477 1320578 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
 1108 1321686 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  487 1322173 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  477 1322650 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  447 1323097 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 18432) nonblocking
  393 1323490 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 36 = read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 36)
  193 1323683 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
  215 1323898 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  191 1324089 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  354 1324443 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  236 1324679 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
  218 1324897 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
  121 1325018 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  186 1325204 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  274 1325478 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  173 1325651 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   83 1325734 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   86 1325820 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   83 1325903 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
   88 1325991 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  130 1326121 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   96 1326217 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   85 1326302 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   92 1326394 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   86 1326480 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  168 1326648 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
  111 1326759 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
   95 1326854 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  100 1326954 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  256 1327210 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   90 1327300 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  206 1327506 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  200 1327706 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   92 1327798 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  328 1328126 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   91 1328217 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   86 1328303 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  102 1328405 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   97 1328502 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  360 1328862 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  180 1329042 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 58 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  149 1329191 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
  102 1329293 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  118 1329411 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   77 1329488 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  115 1329603 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  143 1329746 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  111 1329857 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   73 1329930 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  111 1330041 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  217 1330258 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  170 1330428 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   83 1330511 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   84 1330595 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   82 1330677 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
   85 1330762 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
92363 1423125 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  671 1423796 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  536 1424332 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  645 1424977 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  474 1425451 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  490 1425941 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  536 1426477 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  529 1427006 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  428 1427434 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
  525 1427959 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  602 1428561 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  572 1429133 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  475 1429608 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
 1082 1430690 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  863 1431553 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  359 1431912 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  366 1432278 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  125 1432403 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  100 1432503 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   95 1432598 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   91 1432689 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  121 1432810 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5) nonblocking
   83 1432893 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5)
   77 1432970 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53) nonblocking
   83 1433053 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 53 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53)
  202 1433255 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   94 1433349 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  119 1433468 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   79 1433547 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  120 1433667 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
   74 1433741 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 3
  150 1433891 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  112 1434003 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   76 1434079 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  114 1434193 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  206 1434399 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  164 1434563 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   85 1434648 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   81 1434729 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   86 1434815 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  116 1434931 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   93 1435024 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   93 1435117 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   79 1435196 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   78 1435274 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   77 1435351 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   79 1435430 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   87 1435517 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   78 1435595 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   78 1435673 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   76 1435749 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   78 1435827 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  212 1436039 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  215 1436254 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   86 1436340 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  193 1436533 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   74 1436607 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   74 1436681 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   79 1436760 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  129 1436889 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 36 = write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  158 1437047 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   89 1437136 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  116 1437252 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  157 1437409 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  119 1437528 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   80 1437608 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  108 1437716 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  164 1437880 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  163 1438043 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  136 1438179 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   85 1438264 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   76 1438340 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   75 1438415 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
127850 1566265 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  544 1566809 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  505 1567314 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  558 1567872 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  485 1568357 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  564 1568921 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  450 1569371 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  466 1569837 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  446 1570283 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  458 1570741 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
  466 1571207 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  436 1571643 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  452 1572095 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  858 1572953 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
 1053 1574006 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  491 1574497 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
 1039 1575536 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  424 1575960 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  275 1576235 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  136 1576371 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 18432) nonblocking
  102 1576473 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 36 = read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 36)
  127 1576600 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   99 1576699 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  117 1576816 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  167 1576983 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  126 1577109 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   84 1577193 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
   73 1577266 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  112 1577378 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  227 1577605 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  181 1577786 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   90 1577876 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   87 1577963 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   92 1578055 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  120 1578175 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   97 1578272 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   99 1578371 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   91 1578462 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   88 1578550 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   91 1578641 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   73 1578714 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   72 1578786 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
   75 1578861 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   75 1578936 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   76 1579012 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   76 1579088 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  154 1579242 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  194 1579436 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   83 1579519 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  197 1579716 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   82 1579798 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   77 1579875 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   83 1579958 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   85 1580043 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  362 1580405 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  190 1580595 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 58 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  174 1580769 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
  110 1580879 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  125 1581004 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   85 1581089 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  123 1581212 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  249 1581461 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  145 1581606 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   81 1581687 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  131 1581818 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  264 1582082 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  192 1582274 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   91 1582365 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   89 1582454 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   90 1582544 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  123 1582667 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
91909 1674576 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  705 1675281 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  445 1675726 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  586 1676312 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  530 1676842 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  510 1677352 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  513 1677865 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  512 1678377 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  557 1678934 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
  459 1679393 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  438 1679831 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  517 1680348 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  488 1680836 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  979 1681815 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
 1048 1682863 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  507 1683370 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
 1284 1684654 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  389 1685043 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  363 1685406 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  165 1685571 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
  218 1685789 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  234 1686023 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5) nonblocking
  175 1686198 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5)
  220 1686418 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53) nonblocking
  112 1686530 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 53 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53)
  240 1686770 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
  109 1686879 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  128 1687007 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   79 1687086 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  117 1687203 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
   75 1687278 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 3
  149 1687427 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  113 1687540 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   75 1687615 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  114 1687729 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  204 1687933 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  195 1688128 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   89 1688217 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   85 1688302 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   84 1688386 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  111 1688497 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   87 1688584 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   94 1688678 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   80 1688758 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   76 1688834 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   77 1688911 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   75 1688986 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   88 1689074 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   78 1689152 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   79 1689231 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   76 1689307 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   78 1689385 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  153 1689538 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  177 1689715 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   77 1689792 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  185 1689977 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   76 1690053 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   77 1690130 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   83 1690213 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  135 1690348 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 36 = write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  135 1690483 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   85 1690568 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  124 1690692 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  148 1690840 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  158 1690998 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
  107 1691105 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  125 1691230 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  167 1691397 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  165 1691562 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  136 1691698 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   90 1691788 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   93 1691881 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  117 1691998 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  130 1692128 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  114 1692242 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   86 1692328 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   91 1692419 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   85 1692504 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   79 1692583 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   89 1692672 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   78 1692750 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   78 1692828 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   76 1692904 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   78 1692982 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  152 1693134 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  179 1693313 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   76 1693389 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  185 1693574 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   88 1693662 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   81 1693743 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   87 1693830 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 18432) nonblocking
   94 1693924 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 36 = read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 36)
  126 1694050 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   87 1694137 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  131 1694268 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  182 1694450 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  127 1694577 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   79 1694656 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
   78 1694734 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  117 1694851 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  163 1695014 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  161 1695175 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  136 1695311 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   83 1695394 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   83 1695477 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   83 1695560 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  109 1695669 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   93 1695762 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   95 1695857 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   77 1695934 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   74 1696008 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   80 1696088 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   80 1696168 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
   78 1696246 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   83 1696329 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   78 1696407 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   78 1696485 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  152 1696637 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  167 1696804 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   78 1696882 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  184 1697066 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   76 1697142 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   78 1697220 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   85 1697305 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   89 1697394 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  340 1697734 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  203 1697937 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 58 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  145 1698082 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   98 1698180 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  111 1698291 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   79 1698370 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  109 1698479 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  150 1698629 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  114 1698743 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   77 1698820 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  109 1698929 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  159 1699088 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  165 1699253 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  134 1699387 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   87 1699474 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   75 1699549 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   76 1699625 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
92613 1792238 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  699 1792937 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  553 1793490 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  581 1794071 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  476 1794547 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  577 1795124 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  492 1795616 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  460 1796076 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  602 1796678 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
  607 1797285 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  497 1797782 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  481 1798263 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  506 1798769 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  973 1799742 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  897 1800639 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  323 1800962 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  811 1801773 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  173 1801946 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  224 1802170 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  181 1802351 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
  161 1802512 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  158 1802670 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5) nonblocking
  172 1802842 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5)
  152 1802994 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53) nonblocking
  148 1803142 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 53 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53)
  212 1803354 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
  184 1803538 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  120 1803658 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   78 1803736 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  108 1803844 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
   70 1803914 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 3
  141 1804055 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  106 1804161 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   69 1804230 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  104 1804334 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  201 1804535 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  164 1804699 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   82 1804781 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   80 1804861 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   80 1804941 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
   73 1805014 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
  123 1805137 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   84 1805221 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   81 1805302 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   70 1805372 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   67 1805439 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   70 1805509 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   77 1805586 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   69 1805655 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   68 1805723 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   66 1805789 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   69 1805858 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  142 1806000 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  162 1806162 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   69 1806231 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  176 1806407 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   70 1806477 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   69 1806546 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   72 1806618 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  113 1806731 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 36 = write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  115 1806846 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   76 1806922 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  108 1807030 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  141 1807171 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  106 1807277 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   69 1807346 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  103 1807449 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  156 1807605 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  150 1807755 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  126 1807881 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   78 1807959 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   79 1808038 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   79 1808117 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
55172 1863289 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  776 1864065 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  493 1864558 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  523 1865081 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  525 1865606 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  501 1866107 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  506 1866613 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  504 1867117 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  520 1867637 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  434 1868071 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
  494 1868565 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  500 1869065 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  488 1869553 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  891 1870444 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  667 1871111 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  372 1871483 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  244 1871727 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  140 1871867 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  121 1871988 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  124 1872112 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 18432) nonblocking
  130 1872242 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 36 = read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 36)
  177 1872419 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
  117 1872536 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  183 1872719 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  206 1872925 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  165 1873090 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
  115 1873205 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
   80 1873285 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  106 1873391 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  158 1873549 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  163 1873712 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  136 1873848 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   77 1873925 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   77 1874002 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   76 1874078 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  101 1874179 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   85 1874264 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   88 1874352 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   75 1874427 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   69 1874496 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   72 1874568 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   71 1874639 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
   69 1874708 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   74 1874782 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   70 1874852 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   72 1874924 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  141 1875065 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  166 1875231 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   74 1875305 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  174 1875479 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   70 1875549 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   69 1875618 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   78 1875696 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   81 1875777 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  330 1876107 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  193 1876300 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 58 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  132 1876432 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   96 1876528 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  118 1876646 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   78 1876724 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  117 1876841 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  147 1876988 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  114 1877102 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   74 1877176 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  114 1877290 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  196 1877486 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  167 1877653 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   87 1877740 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   82 1877822 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   84 1877906 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  103 1878009 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
100873 1978882 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  284 1979166 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  144 1979310 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  139 1979449 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   82 1979531 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  227 1979758 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  123 1979881 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  152 1980033 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   83 1980116 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
  154 1980270 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  135 1980405 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   82 1980487 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   77 1980564 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  182 1980746 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  186 1980932 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   79 1981011 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  186 1981197 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   76 1981273 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   80 1981353 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   88 1981441 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   90 1981531 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  121 1981652 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5) nonblocking
   82 1981734 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5)
   79 1981813 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53) nonblocking
   84 1981897 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 53 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 53)
  202 1982099 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   95 1982194 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  119 1982313 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   79 1982392 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  118 1982510 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
   74 1982584 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 3
  150 1982734 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  114 1982848 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   76 1982924 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  114 1983038 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  204 1983242 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  182 1983424 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   87 1983511 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   83 1983594 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   89 1983683 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  110 1983793 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   86 1983879 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   93 1983972 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   81 1984053 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   76 1984129 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   76 1984205 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   81 1984286 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   89 1984375 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   79 1984454 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   79 1984533 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   76 1984609 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   93 1984702 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  193 1984895 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  213 1985108 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  101 1985209 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  210 1985419 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   82 1985501 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   83 1985584 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   87 1985671 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  140 1985811 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 36 = write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 36)
  150 1985961 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
  106 1986067 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  178 1986245 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  167 1986412 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  130 1986542 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   88 1986630 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  150 1986780 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  232 1987012 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  195 1987207 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  102 1987309 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   95 1987404 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   90 1987494 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  118 1987612 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   95 1987707 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  102 1987809 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   90 1987899 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   83 1987982 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   83 1988065 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   88 1988153 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   94 1988247 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   78 1988325 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   79 1988404 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   77 1988481 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   79 1988560 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  153 1988713 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  183 1988896 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   77 1988973 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  282 1989255 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   87 1989342 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   78 1989420 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   81 1989501 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 18432) nonblocking
   86 1989587 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 36 = read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 36)
  117 1989704 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   79 1989783 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  125 1989908 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  154 1990062 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  142 1990204 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
  103 1990307 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
   88 1990395 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  122 1990517 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  180 1990697 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  163 1990860 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  131 1990991 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   84 1991075 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   82 1991157 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   79 1991236 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  107 1991343 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   83 1991426 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   78 1991504 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   72 1991576 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   70 1991646 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   73 1991719 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   69 1991788 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
   70 1991858 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   75 1991933 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   69 1992002 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   71 1992073 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  146 1992219 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  171 1992390 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   80 1992470 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  181 1992651 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   79 1992730 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   72 1992802 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   79 1992881 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   85 1992966 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  369 1993335 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  204 1993539 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 58 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 58)
  155 1993694 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
  111 1993805 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  128 1993933 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   80 1994013 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  133 1994146 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  168 1994314 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  121 1994435 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   82 1994517 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  118 1994635 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  270 1994905 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  177 1995082 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  101 1995183 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   93 1995276 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  107 1995383 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  139 1995522 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
94676 2090198 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  593 2090791 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  590 2091381 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  487 2091868 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  477 2092345 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  512 2092857 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  479 2093336 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  500 2093836 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  470 2094306 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
  464 2094770 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  488 2095258 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  470 2095728 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  505 2096233 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  990 2097223 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
 1112 2098335 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  359 2098694 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  750 2099444 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  265 2099709 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  137 2099846 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  166 2100012 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
  171 2100183 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  208 2100391 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5) nonblocking
  131 2100522 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5)
  140 2100662 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 61) nonblocking
  161 2100823 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 61 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 61)
  374 2101197 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
  145 2101342 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  129 2101471 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   79 2101550 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  114 2101664 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
   73 2101737 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 3
  146 2101883 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  110 2101993 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   73 2102066 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  108 2102174 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  209 2102383 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  169 2102552 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   82 2102634 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   84 2102718 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   83 2102801 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  112 2102913 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   83 2102996 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   88 2103084 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   81 2103165 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   76 2103241 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   79 2103320 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   79 2103399 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  111 2103510 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
  106 2103616 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   95 2103711 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   77 2103788 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   72 2103860 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   71 2103931 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   71 2104002 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  148 2104150 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  181 2104331 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   77 2104408 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  181 2104589 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   71 2104660 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   71 2104731 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 2 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   74 2104805 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 44)
  113 2104918 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 44 = write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 44)
   79 2104997 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   94 2105091 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  116 2105207 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5) nonblocking
   78 2105285 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 5)
   72 2105357 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 193) nonblocking
   74 2105431 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 193 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0068, 193)
  192 2105623 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   85 2105708 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
  107 2105815 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   75 2105890 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  109 2105999 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
   71 2106070 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 3
  142 2106212 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  107 2106319 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   71 2106390 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  106 2106496 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  156 2106652 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  156 2106808 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  130 2106938 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   83 2107021 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   79 2107100 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   83 2107183 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  109 2107292 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   86 2107378 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   91 2107469 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   76 2107545 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   77 2107622 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   73 2107695 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   77 2107772 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   70 2107842 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   70 2107912 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   68 2107980 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   69 2108049 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  144 2108193 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  166 2108359 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   71 2108430 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  178 2108608 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   71 2108679 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   70 2108749 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   72 2108821 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 176)
   95 2108916 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 176 = write(3, 0xA0011A67C, 176)
  117 2109033 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   85 2109118 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  110 2109228 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  145 2109373 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  108 2109481 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   74 2109555 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  112 2109667 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  164 2109831 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  165 2109996 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  131 2110127 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   81 2110208 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   82 2110290 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   82 2110372 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  106 2110478 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
   79 2110557 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   78 2110635 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   70 2110705 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   72 2110777 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   73 2110850 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   81 2110931 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   72 2111003 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   98 2111101 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   78 2111179 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   72 2111251 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  149 2111400 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  192 2111592 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   90 2111682 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  234 2111916 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   92 2112008 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   94 2112102 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   95 2112197 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 18432) nonblocking
   89 2112286 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 96 = read(3, 0xA00115E7C, 96)
  118 2112404 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   72 2112476 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 43200, to->tv_nsec 0, us 43200000000
  116 2112592 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
  161 2112753 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  110 2112863 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   70 2112933 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
   67 2113000 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  112 2113112 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  152 2113264 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  155 2113419 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  124 2113543 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   85 2113628 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 43200000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   74 2113702 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   71 2113773 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
   74 2113847 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  115 2113962 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   78 2114040 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   76 2114116 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   75 2114191 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   69 2114260 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   77 2114337 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F3B0, testing fd 12 ()
   70 2114407 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   74 2114481 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
   70 2114551 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA00121B90, testing fd 3 ()
   67 2114618 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   62 2114680 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   70 2114750 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  135 2114885 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  164 2115049 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
   75 2115124 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  167 2115291 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   77 2115368 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   69 2115437 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 2 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
   69 2115506 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(3, 0xA00115EDC, 18336) nonblocking
   74 2115580 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 0 = read(3, 0xA00115EDC, 0)
   67 2115647 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  175 2115822 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x6 %s: %s
  208 2116030 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   73 2116103 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   68 2116171 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   72 2116243 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   67 2116310 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   82 2116392 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   67 2116459 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   75 2116534 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   67 2116601 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   66 2116667 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   69 2116736 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2C64, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   84 2116820 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   73 2116893 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  202 2117095 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  783 2117878 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
   76 2117954 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
  578 2118532 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 40)
   75 2118607 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 40 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 40)
  232 2118839 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   76 2118915 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2C64
   72 2118987 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
 1400 2120387 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7C0, 60)
  110 2120497 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   83 2120580 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   77 2120657 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   89 2120746 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 60 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7C0, 60)
  119 2120865 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   72 2120937 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   83 2121020 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   78 2121098 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   73 2121171 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  254 2121425 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   87 2121512 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  318 2121830 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 118)
  191 2122021 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 118 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 118)
  117 2122138 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   99 2122237 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
   83 2122320 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  182 2122502 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  210 2122712 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   71 2122783 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   71 2122854 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   67 2122921 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   65 2122986 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   79 2123065 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   67 2123132 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   75 2123207 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   67 2123274 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   64 2123338 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   69 2123407 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CD4, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   96 2123503 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   75 2123578 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  198 2123776 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  790 2124566 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
   75 2124641 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
  557 2125198 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 35)
   71 2125269 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 35 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 35)
  234 2125503 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   77 2125580 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CD4
   71 2125651 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
 1078 2126729 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7C0, 55)
  100 2126829 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   76 2126905 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   81 2126986 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   75 2127061 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 55 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7C0, 55)
  114 2127175 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   72 2127247 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   82 2127329 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   86 2127415 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   79 2127494 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  283 2127777 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   78 2127855 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 60, to->tv_nsec 0, us 60000000
  170 2128025 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  140 2128165 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   74 2128239 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_write:  fd 12
   76 2128315 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  113 2128428 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  247 2128675 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 60000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   99 2128774 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
   94 2128868 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  127 2128995 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
  135 2129130 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
  128 2129258 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  214 2129472 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
   83 2129555 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
   73 2129628 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
   79 2129707 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
   83 2129790 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 1, except_ready: 0
   77 2129867 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F340, testing fd 12 ()
   76 2129943 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
   82 2130025 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   83 2130108 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  153 2130261 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  180 2130441 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  156 2130597 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
   84 2130681 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
   84 2130765 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  104 2130869 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
   96 2130965 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFC0000 = mmap()
  348 2131313 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 24)
  279 2131592 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 24 = write(12, 0x6FFFFFFC0063, 24)
  134 2131726 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C788)
  463 2132189 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  311 2132500 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   82 2132582 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   74 2132656 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   78 2132734 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   76 2132810 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
  100 2132910 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   71 2132981 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   84 2133065 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   73 2133138 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   73 2133211 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   71 2133282 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CD4, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   90 2133372 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   75 2133447 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  198 2133645 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  739 2134384 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BCA0, 9)
   71 2134455 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BCA0, 9)
  341 2134796 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 3, m = 4.  verifying
  160 2134956 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: timed out
  150 2135106 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 1
  136 2135242 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 1
  130 2135372 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  336 2135708 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  214 2135922 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: recalculating us
   79 2136001 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BCC0, 49)
   83 2136084 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: timed out after verification
   82 2136166 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 49 = write(13, 0x7FF91BCC0, 49)
   82 2136248 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  132 2136380 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  126 2136506 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 0 = select (7, 0x7FFDFCC00, 0x7FFDFCBF0, 0x7FFDFCBE0, 0x7FFDFCB90)
  308 2136814 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
  117 2136931 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CD4
  116 2137047 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
  259 2137306 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::lseek: setting file pointer to 82261
  114 2137420 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 lseek: 82261 = lseek(11, 0, 2)
  114 2137534 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(11, 0x6FFFFFFE0010, 117)
  150 2137684 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 117 = write(11, 0x6FFFFFFE0010, 117)
  326 2138010 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (7, 0x7FFDFCC00, 0x7FFDFCBF0, 0x7FFDFCBE0, 0x7FFDFCB90, 0x0)
  103 2138113 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 1, to->tv_nsec 0, us 1000000
  148 2138261 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
   69 2138330 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
  151 2138481 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 4, us 1000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   83 2138564 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  524 2139088 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C630, 69)
   82 2139170 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   85 2139255 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   80 2139335 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   74 2139409 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 69 = write(2, 0x7FF91C630, 69)
  115 2139524 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   73 2139597 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   76 2139673 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   78 2139751 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   72 2139823 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  248 2140071 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  182 2140253 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x6 %s: %s
  209 2140462 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   71 2140533 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   74 2140607 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   72 2140679 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   76 2140755 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   82 2140837 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   74 2140911 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   78 2140989 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   73 2141062 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   74 2141136 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   73 2141209 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2C20, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   86 2141295 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   69 2141364 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  202 2141566 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  803 2142369 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE00, 9)
   65 2142434 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE00, 9)
  574 2143008 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE20, 58)
   82 2143090 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 58 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE20, 58)
  262 2143352 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   83 2143435 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2C20
   80 2143515 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
 1051 2144566 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C790, 78)
   84 2144650 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   73 2144723 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   70 2144793 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   67 2144860 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 78 = write(2, 0x7FF91C790, 78)
   97 2144957 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   74 2145031 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   69 2145100 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   67 2145167 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   66 2145233 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  255 2145488 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: pselect (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920, 0x0)
   73 2145561 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: to->tv_sec 60, to->tv_nsec 0, us 60000000
  132 2145693 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read: pipe:[8589954732] fd 6
  104 2145797 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 dtable::select_read:  fd 12
   71 2145868 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.always_ready 0
   97 2145965 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728
  217 2146182 [socksel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  111 2146293 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: m 5, us 60000000, wmfo_timeout -1
   75 2146368 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x7FF91C728, timeout 4294967295
   83 2146451 [pipesel] stunnel 2334 SetThreadName: SetThreadDescription() failed. 00000000 10000000
  109 2146560 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 0, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
85668 2232228 [socksel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  463 2232691 [socksel] stunnel 2334 thread_socket: leaving thread_socket
  530 2233221 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: wait_ret 2, m = 5.  verifying
  416 2233637 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: res after verify 0
  588 2234225 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  443 2234668 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select: sel.wait returns 0
  342 2235010 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 peek_socket: read_ready: 1, write_ready: 0, except_ready: 0
  573 2235583 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: me 0xA0003F340, testing fd 12 ()
  443 2236026 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 set_bits: ready 1
  452 2236478 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  432 2236910 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: si 0xA00133D20 si->thread 0x7FFF0C614718
  660 2237570 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 socket_cleanup: returning
  804 2238374 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  726 2239100 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  309 2239409 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
  225 2239634 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 pselect: 1 = select (13, 0x7FF91C990, 0x7FF91C980, 0x7FF91C970, 0x7FF91C920)
  250 2239884 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: addr 0x0, len 65536, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0
  193 2240077 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mmap: 0x6FFFFFFB0000 = mmap()
  209 2240286 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFB0063, 5) nonblocking
  169 2240455 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 5 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFB0063, 5)
  166 2240621 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: read(12, 0x6FFFFFFB0068, 19) nonblocking
  232 2240853 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 read: 19 = read(12, 0x6FFFFFFB0068, 19)
  198 2241051 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C6D8)
  321 2241372 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  336 2241708 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   88 2241796 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   80 2241876 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
  166 2242042 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   81 2242123 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   93 2242216 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   73 2242289 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   89 2242378 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   68 2242446 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   66 2242512 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   63 2242575 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CD0, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   89 2242664 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   66 2242730 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  202 2242932 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  809 2243741 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BBF0, 9)
   81 2243822 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BBF0, 9)
  612 2244434 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BC10, 48)
   81 2244515 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 48 = write(13, 0x7FF91BC10, 48)
  252 2244767 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   82 2244849 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CD0
   76 2244925 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
 1267 2246192 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C580, 68)
  125 2246317 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   97 2246414 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   91 2246505 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   80 2246585 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 68 = write(2, 0x7FF91C580, 68)
  123 2246708 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   88 2246796 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   83 2246879 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   80 2246959 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   73 2247032 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  227 2247259 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  175 2247434 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x6 %s: %s
  196 2247630 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   71 2247701 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   66 2247767 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   66 2247833 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   68 2247901 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   76 2247977 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   64 2248041 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   73 2248114 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   65 2248179 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   66 2248245 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   65 2248310 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CDC, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   83 2248393 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   67 2248460 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  191 2248651 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  738 2249389 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
   71 2249460 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
  525 2249985 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 30)
   70 2250055 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 30 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 30)
  222 2250277 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   70 2250347 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CDC
   70 2250417 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
 1038 2251455 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7C0, 50)
   86 2251541 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   73 2251614 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   72 2251686 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   66 2251752 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 50 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7C0, 50)
   98 2251850 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   74 2251924 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   70 2251994 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   69 2252063 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   66 2252129 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  290 2252419 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 cygwin_shutdown: 0 = shutdown(3, 1)
   94 2252513 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  182 2252695 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  197 2252892 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   71 2252963 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   66 2253029 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   66 2253095 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   68 2253163 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   72 2253235 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   65 2253300 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   72 2253372 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   65 2253437 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   66 2253503 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   66 2253569 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CDC, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   82 2253651 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   67 2253718 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  190 2253908 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  739 2254647 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
   70 2254717 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
  523 2255240 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 35)
   70 2255310 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 35 = write(13, 0x7FF91BE50, 35)
  221 2255531 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   70 2255601 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CDC
   69 2255670 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
  954 2256624 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7C0, 55)
   91 2256715 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   74 2256789 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   74 2256863 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   67 2256930 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 55 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7C0, 55)
   98 2257028 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   74 2257102 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   71 2257173 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   68 2257241 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   66 2257307 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  220 2257527 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  169 2257696 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x5 %s: %s
  195 2257891 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   69 2257960 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   67 2258027 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   66 2258093 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   65 2258158 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   70 2258228 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   65 2258293 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   70 2258363 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   64 2258427 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   65 2258492 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   65 2258557 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CDC, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   80 2258637 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   69 2258706 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 13 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  189 2258895 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 13: opened as binary
  743 2259638 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BDD0, 9)
   77 2259715 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(13, 0x7FF91BDD0, 9)
  589 2260304 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(13, 0x7FF91BDF0, 81)
   74 2260378 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 81 = write(13, 0x7FF91BDF0, 81)
  221 2260599 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(13)
   71 2260670 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CDC
   70 2260740 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(13)
 1098 2261838 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C760, 101)
   93 2261931 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   79 2262010 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   74 2262084 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   72 2262156 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 101 = write(2, 0x7FF91C760, 101)
  110 2262266 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   72 2262338 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   77 2262415 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
  114 2262529 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   78 2262607 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  499 2263106 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFB0000, len 65536)
   98 2263204 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFB0000
  105 2263309 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFC0000, len 65536)
   86 2263395 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFC0000
 1858 2265253 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFFFD0000, len 65536)
   84 2265337 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFFFD0000
   66 2265403 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: fcntl(12, 3, ...)
   65 2265468 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::fcntl: GETFL: 0x54002
   65 2265533 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: 344066 = fcntl(12, 3, 0x0)
   63 2265596 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: fcntl(12, 4, ...)
   64 2265660 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_socket_wsock::ioctl: socket is now blocking
   70 2265730 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_socket_wsock::ioctl: 0 = ioctl_socket(8004667E, 0x7FF91C94C)
   66 2265796 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x50002, supplied_bin 0x0
   66 2265862 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   66 2265928 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   64 2265992 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: 0 = fcntl(12, 4, 0x50002)
   65 2266057 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(12)
  186 2266243 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(12)
   78 2266321 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  175 2266496 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  313 2266809 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   71 2266880 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   67 2266947 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   65 2267012 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   67 2267079 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   75 2267154 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   65 2267219 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   72 2267291 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   65 2267356 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   66 2267422 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   65 2267487 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2798, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   81 2267568 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   67 2267635 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 12 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  190 2267825 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 12: opened as binary
  789 2268614 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x7FF91BE20, 9)
   74 2268688 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(12, 0x7FF91BE20, 9)
  523 2269211 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(12, 0x7FF91BE40, 41)
   69 2269280 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 41 = write(12, 0x7FF91BE40, 41)
  223 2269503 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(12)
   69 2269572 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2798
   70 2269642 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(12)
 1016 2270658 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7B0, 61)
   91 2270749 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   78 2270827 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   71 2270898 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   70 2270968 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 61 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7B0, 61)
   97 2271065 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   81 2271146 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   75 2271221 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   67 2271288 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   71 2271359 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  225 2271584 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: fcntl(3, 3, ...)
   72 2271656 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::fcntl: GETFL: 0x54002
   66 2271722 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: 344066 = fcntl(3, 3, 0x0)
   68 2271790 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: fcntl(3, 4, ...)
   64 2271854 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_socket_wsock::ioctl: socket is now blocking
   63 2271917 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_socket_wsock::ioctl: 0 = ioctl_socket(8004667E, 0x7FF91C94C)
   70 2271987 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x50002, supplied_bin 0x0
   67 2272054 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   65 2272119 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   67 2272186 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fcntl: 0 = fcntl(3, 4, 0x50002)
   64 2272250 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(3)
   75 2272325 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(3)
   63 2272388 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  172 2272560 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  199 2272759 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   75 2272834 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   68 2272902 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   65 2272967 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   67 2273034 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   73 2273107 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   64 2273171 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   73 2273244 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   64 2273308 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   70 2273378 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   65 2273443 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2650, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
   83 2273526 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   67 2273593 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 3 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  195 2273788 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 3: opened as binary
  740 2274528 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
   73 2274601 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(3, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
  523 2275124 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0x7FF91BE50, 39)
   75 2275199 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 39 = write(3, 0x7FF91BE50, 39)
  228 2275427 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(3)
   71 2275498 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2650
   70 2275568 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(3)
  965 2276533 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7C0, 59)
   82 2276615 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   75 2276690 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   80 2276770 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   76 2276846 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 59 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7C0, 59)
  109 2276955 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   75 2277030 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   75 2277105 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
  251 2277356 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
  122 2277478 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
  293 2277771 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 time: 1708233691 = time(0x7FF91C8F8)
  199 2277970 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 vsyslog: 0x7 %s: %s
  229 2278199 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
   78 2278277 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null
   73 2278350 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null)
   71 2278421 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null)
   69 2278490 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0
   83 2278573 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 build_fh_pc: fh 0x800012DF0, dev 00010003
   70 2278643 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x10601)
   80 2278723 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10601, supplied_bin 0x10000
   74 2278797 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000
   73 2278870 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   87 2278957 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x2CF4, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0)
  107 2279064 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x10601)
  154 2279218 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 open: 3 = open(/dev/null, 0x10601)
  239 2279457 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 3: opened as binary
  880 2280337 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
   85 2280422 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 9 = write(3, 0x7FF91BE30, 9)
  606 2281028 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: write(3, 0x7FF91BE50, 40)
   82 2281110 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 40 = write(3, 0x7FF91BE50, 40)
  265 2281375 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: close(3)
   84 2281459 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x2CF4
   84 2281543 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 close: 0 = close(3)
 1321 2282864 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x7FF91C7C0, 60)
  112 2282976 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   76 2283052 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   75 2283127 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   76 2283203 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 60 = write(2, 0x7FF91C7C0, 60)
  111 2283314 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: pty0, write(0x10042B9D9, 1)
   74 2283388 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex (0x4BC): waiting -1 ms
   76 2283464 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1259): pty output_mutex: acquired
   76 2283540 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 fhandler_pty_slave::write: (1275): pty output_mutex(0x4BC) released
   77 2283617 [stunnel] stunnel 2334 write: 1 = write(2, 0x10042B9D9, 1)
 3093 2286710 [] stunnel 2334 _cygtls::remove: wait 4294967295
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000a00000c30
 2792 2289502 [] stunnel 2334 exception::handle: In cygwin_except_handler exception 0xC0000005 at 0xA00000C30 sp 0x7FF91CAC8
   74 2289576 [] stunnel 2334 exception::handle: In cygwin_except_handler signal 11 at 0xA00000C30
  100 2289676 [] stunnel 2334 break_here: break here
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 20140 (pid: 2334), exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000

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