Fwd: cygwin /usr/bin/email

René Berber rene.berber@gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 22:50:24 GMT 2024

-------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: cygwin /usr/bin/email
> Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 17:42:19 -0500
> From: Paul McKinley 
> To: René Berber 
> Thanks, René!
> I'll try setting the registry thing.
> I am running reasonably current Cygwin, and specifically reinstalled "email."
> sh-5.2$ email --version
> email - By Dean Jones; Version 3.2.3-git
> Apparently TLS-1.3 is current, it would be nice if Cygwin supported it with "email."
> I'll check back after trying with the registry setting to enable TLS-1.0/1.1 to verify that's what is the issue.
> -pcm

I checked my change to the code, as I said it is trivial, and at that 
time we reached the conclusion that it worked for STRATLS, port 875, but 
didn't work for TLS/SSL, port 465.

In fact the registry change will not change anything since the 
executable is just using cygssl-3.dll, which supports all versions of 
TLS, up to 1.3 .

Something else is not working in eMail.  My copy doesn't even try to 
connect, just dies.  So the code needs to be enhanced/debugged again. 
It would be interesting to find why TLS/SSL never worked.

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