help needed - transition from 32bits to 64bits

Thu Jun 15 10:15:00 GMT 2023

Dear all,


Sorry if this question was already answered somewhere in the FAQ.


I am running a deprecated 32bits version, and want to switch to 64bits. Install procedure is easy, but does not cover one thing : I
would like to preserve the list of packages I have installed, and minimize the change of paths in my windows environment (did not
change anything for the last 10 years, so I don't want to dig into where are things).


Currently, cygwin is in C:\cygwin, which I have moved to C:\cygwin-bck. I then want to install in the now almost empty C:\cygwin,
but copying there the necessary config files so that setup-x86_64.exe knows which packages to download.


Thanks in advance,



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