Switch to a new PC

Russell VT russellvt@gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 10:26:55 GMT 2022

This is "a religious" question, as there are many different "sworn" ways to
do it.

The "old reliable" method, if you have both filesystems available... at
least off the top of my head...

cd / ; tar -cvf - / | (cd /path/to/other/disk ; tar -xvfp -)

There are also many other solutions using things like cpio and dd... and
technically, you can probably even do a "cp -pr /source /dest" or similar.
There are also better "purist" methods using setup to save the current list
of packages, and then pipe that to a new setup to install those same
packages, all from the command line (it's probably "the best," but you'll
have to reconfigure everything, too)

Hope that gives you a few different starting points to play with...


On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 2:10 AM Vanda Vodkamilkevich <
vanda.vodkamilkevich@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Probably a known issue (I remember on this list some trick using the
> installed.db file) but I want to backup my whole cygwin tree (on a network
> drive) before switching PC and without losing anything... What is the best
> method / tool?
> (currently trying with FreeFileSync but it is excluding files in a strange
> way...)
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Russell M. Van Tassell <russellvt@gmail.com>

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