Warning message about not found stats package on R-4.2.1-1

Marco Atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 20:03:35 GMT 2022

On 09.07.2022 13:12, Xavier Delaruelle wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am using Cygwin through GitHub actions to test the software I maintain
> (Environment Modules) on this system.
> I would like to report that after the update to the new version of the R
> package (4.2.1-1), a warning message appears about the "stats" package of R
> which seem missing:
> During startup - Warning message:
> package 'stats' in options("defaultPackages") was not found
> By comparing the hint file of this new package with the previous version
> (4.1.2-1), we can observe that the liblapack0 dependency has been removed.
> By manually installing the liblapack0 package, the warning message
> described above disappear. So it seems that the "stats" module of R
> requires this liblapack0 cygwin package to load properly.
> Regards,
> Xavier

thanks Xavier
for the info.

It is caused by a glitch in my build system, I had a spurious 
cyglapack0.dll in the wrong place that was not recognized for R depency

I will update R package dependency


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