Home directory was not created

KAVALAGIOS Panagiotis (EEAS-EXT) Panagiotis.KAVALAGIOS@ext.eeas.europa.eu
Mon Mar 1 15:33:15 GMT 2021

Dear all,

Something went wrong to my Cygwin installation update (update is performed by removing everything and installing again the new version). The home directory of my user was not created, when you run Cygwin for the first time. When I start Cygwin it defaults to the evil C:\Windows\System32!?!?

-bash-4.4$ pwd
-bash-4.4$ cd
-bash: cd: /home/kavalpa: No such file or directory

How this can be fixed in proper way, without causing any permission issues.

Kind regards,

Panos Kavalagios

Application Architect
CONSULIAT (under contract with the EEAS)
Office: EEAS B100 Floor 5 Area 048
Rue Belliard 100, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 584 6017

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