EPCS replaced by EPCQ Error (with Cyclone III FPGA)

Ekta Unity ekta25rawat@gmail.com
Fri Aug 27 04:49:40 GMT 2021

Dear Sir,

In one of our old project cards, we were using *Cyclone III FPGA* along
with *EPCS64SI16N *memory.  Recently same card was manufactured but
as EPCS64SI16N is obsolete now, we used equivalent recommended MPN

*Quartus 11* was used to compile the FPGA project; as it doesn't support
EPCQ, we generated new project in *Quartus 13*. SOPC file for NIOS also got
upgraded to QSYS version.

In Eclipse, one error is thrown as shown in image -* "Couldn't compute
FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to public mailing
list cygwin@cygwin.com <cygwin@cygwin.com>."*

Also, while writing SOF file to EPCQ it throws error as shown in attached
image- *"No EPCS layout data - looking for section(EPCS-EF4017); Unable to
use EPCS device; Error code 8."*

Also, .pof and .rbf  files were generated by selecting EPCQ64 memory,
however, it resulted into the same error.

*Kindly help us to resolve these errors as we have to urgently program
firmware in these cards.*

Best Regards,

Ekta Rawat

Deputy Manager

BEL Ghaziabad

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