[ANNOUNCEMENT] Test: cygutils 1.4.16-4 (TEST)

Christian Franke Christian.Franke@t-online.de
Mon Aug 23 17:48:14 GMT 2021

Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2021 16:28:42 -0700
> Mark Geisert wrote:
>> Hi Takashi,
>> Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
>> ...
>>> However, I encountered a problem with putclip.
>>> Run 'echo AAAAAAAA | putclip' and paste clipboard to notepad.exe.
>>> Pasted string is garbled in my environment.
>>> What am I wrong with?
>> s/am I/are we/ :-\  I can reproduce this.  No idea what's wrong as there were no
>> recent changes to putclip.  Let me dig further.  Is this something you've done
>> routinely in the past and it was known to work?
> No. But I confirmed that this issue does not happen with 1.4.16-2.
> 1.4.16-3 and 1.4.16-4(TEST) have this problem.

The problem is the putclip addition in file 
"cygutils-1.4.16-4.src.patch" from the src package.

It adds "SetClipboardData (CF_UNICODETEXT, hData)" but the data is not 
in 16 bit unicode format. Removing this new section fixes the problem.

Another unrelated issue: GlobalFree() should possibly not be called on 
handles passed to clipboard. See comment in "fhandler_clipboard.cc" from 
Cygwin source.

BTW: The cygdrop crash does no longer occur.

BTW^2: Is there a new public repo for cygutils?
The old one ends at 1.4.16-2:


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