AF_UNIX/SOCK_DGRAM is dropping messages

Ken Brown
Fri Aug 13 11:19:24 GMT 2021

On 8/12/2021 8:56 AM, wrote:
> [snip]
>>> I'm going to follow up on cygwin-developers.
>> Great, I'll read about it there
> Does anyone know anything about the progress of this issue ?

I'm afraid there has not been any progress.  We weren't able to find a solution 
using the existing AF_UNIX implementation.

The proposed implementation based on Windows named pipes (topic/af_unix branch) 
stalled because of an issue you reported, which I referred to as a performance 
problem.  But it's a pretty severe performance problem.

An alternative proposed by Mark Geisert based on Posix message queues 
(topic/af_unix_mq branch) also has issues, which may or may not be surmountable.

Sorry I don't have better news.


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