Unable to start Cygwin64 terminal after password change

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@yandex.ru
Wed Aug 4 10:03:16 GMT 2021

Greetings, Brian Inglis!

> On 2021-08-03 09:50, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
>>> You were "upgrading" your domain account AD data cached by cygserver.
>> I restarted my PC at some point with "shutdown /r"  -- I have no idea how
>> cygserver can preserve its caching across this.  It's not a "fast restart".

> If Fast Startup is enabled, system data could be retained, such as 
> domain and/or account data, depending on the system components and 
> drivers involved; it's not well documented:

> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/weg/delivering-a-great-startup-and-shutdown-experience

> "during user-initiated shutdowns, the kernel, drivers, and services are 
> preserved and restored, not just restarted."

Note: This only relevant for shutdown, not restart.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, August 4, 2021 13:00:14

Sorry for my terrible english...

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