Unable to start Cygwin64 terminal after password change

john doe johndoe65534@mail.com
Tue Aug 3 18:20:33 GMT 2021

On 8/3/2021 8:12 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
>> "during user-initiated shutdowns, the kernel, drivers, and services are
>> preserved and restored, not just restarted."
> Which was why I specifically used "shutdown /r", which is:
>      /r         Full shutdown and restart the computer.
> We've been advised by our admins that this command does a true and
> full restart of the system, including all the kernel parts of it.

If I'm not mistaking, this command has nothing to do with "fastboot".

>> You may want to check with your AD server admins about this possibility.
> I decided to restart my computer on Saturday, while the password had been changed
> Thursday afternoon.  Meanwhile I was perfectly able to actually _use_ my new password
> to unlock that very same Windows host, and login to different hosts (as soon as the
> new password was set, and before as well as after the reboot of my work PC).
> So the caching theory is not quite substantiated, IMO.
>> You may want to check with your AD server admins about this possibility.
> I did!  And they said: "no new policies were added and no current policies were changed".
> I repeat it again:  my new password was working everywhere I needed to enter

Might be better to reword than to repeat again.

John Doe

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