libidn update broke curl

Brian Inglis
Tue Aug 3 16:05:29 GMT 2021

On 2021-08-03 05:54, Миронов Леонид Владимирович via Cygwin wrote:
> In the yesterday's libidn11 to libidn12 update cygidn-11.dll was replaced with cygidn-12.dll.
> Unfortunately cygidn-11.dll is still referenced by cyggsasl-7.dll which breaks curl (via cygcurl-4.dll)

Sorry Leonid Vladimirovic if that affected your installation or work.

But I didn't believe Cygwin Setup would replace packages that are still 
dependencies of installed packages, unless you explicitly ask it to 
remove obsolete packages, rather than unneeded dependencies.

Unless it was due to my marking libidn12 as obsoleting libidn11?
Maintainers: is that something that we should not do on a package ABI 
How should maintainers handle such situations in cygport?

I would like to know the correct approach to take to mitigate this and 
future such situations before I create a curl -2 package release.

Packages impacted would include:

$ cygcheck-dep -qcOSn libidn11 libgmime3.0_0 libgs9 libgsasl7 
libloudmouth1_0 libpodofo0.9.{5,6} libpurple0 libinfinity0.6_0 libgvc6 
libMagickCore6_2 libMagickCore6_5 libMagickCore6_6 libMagickCore7_7 
libspectre1 libinfgtk3_0.6_0 libcurl4
  libidn11: is needed for ( libgmime3.0_0 libgs9 libgsasl7 
libloudmouth1_0 libpodofo0.9.3 libpodofo0.9.4 libpodofo0.9.5 
libpodofo0.9.6 libpurple0 monotone msmtp mutt whois )
  libgmime3.0_0: is needed for ( gambas3-gb-mime girepository-GMime3.0 
grilo0.3-plugins libgmime3.0-devel libtotem-plparser18 
libxplayer-plparser18 )
  libgs9: is needed for ( ghostscript gimp libgs-devel libgvc6 
libMagickCore6_2 libMagickCore6_5 libMagickCore6_6 libMagickCore7_7 
libspectre1 texlive xfig )
  libgsasl7: is needed for ( gsasl libcurl4 libgsasl-devel 
libinfinity0.6_0 )
  libloudmouth1_0: is needed for ( abiword-plugins libloudmouth1-devel )
  libpodofo0.9.5: is needed for ( krename scribus )
  libpodofo0.9.6: is needed for ( libpodofo-devel podofo )
  libpurple0: is needed for ( finch libpurple-devel pidgin 
pidgin-bonjour pidgin-facebook pidgin-funyahoo-plusplus pidgin-gadugadu 
pidgin-indicator pidgin-sametime pidgin-skypeweb pidgin-tcl telepathy-haze )
  libinfinity0.6_0: is needed for ( gobby0.5 infinoted0.6 
libinfgtk3_0.6_0 libinfinity0.6-devel )
  libgvc6: is needed for ( gda-browser5.0 graphviz guile-gv gvedit 
libgvc-devel libMagickCore7_7 libvala0.38_0 lua-gv ocaml-gv perl-gv 
php-gv python2-gv python27-gv python3-gv python36-gv python37-gv ruby-gv 
tcl-tcldot )
  libMagickCore6_2: is needed for ( libMagickC++6_6 libMagickWand6_2 )
  libMagickCore6_5: is needed for ( libMagickWand6_5 psiconv )
  libMagickCore6_6: is needed for ( libautotrace3 libMagickC++6_8 
libMagickWand6_6 )
  libMagickCore7_7: is needed for ( ImageMagick libMagick-devel 
libMagickC++7_4 libMagickWand7_7 perl-Image-Magick )
  libspectre1: is needed for ( atril cantor libevdocument3_4 
libgoffice0.10_10 libspectre-devel okular4-part okular5-part qpdfview 
zathura-ps )
  libinfgtk3_0.6_0: is needed for ( gobby0.5 libinfgtk3_0.6-devel )
  libcurl4: is needed for ( asymptote audacious-plugins cdo clamav cmake 
cmake-gui curl feh gambas3-gb-net-curl geoipupdate gimp-gmic git gmic 
gnupg google-breakpad-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-free-extras klavaro 
libcfitsio7 libcfitsio9 libcgmic2 libcurl-devel libgdal20 libgdal26 
libgdal28 libgdal29 libgit2_23 libgit2_24 libgit2_25 libgmic1 libgmic2 
libmediainfo0 libnetcdf11 libnetcdf13 libnetcdf15 libnetcdf19 liboauth0 
libofx-tools libpoppler106 libpoppler62 libpoppler66 libpoppler68 
libpoppler73 libpoppler99 libproj22 libquvi0.9_4 libraptor2_0 
libtesseract-ocr_4 libvirt0 libwsman_client4 mariadb-common mpd ncmpcpp 
nmh octave osslsigncode perl-WWW-Curl php-curl qmmp quvi R rtorrent 
transmission transmission-gtk transmission-qt transmission-remote-gtk 
tumbler vorbis-tools weechat )

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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