[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: qrencode 4.1.1-2

Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-announce cygwin-announce@cygwin.com
Tue Aug 3 14:43:28 GMT 2021

The following packages have been updated:

* qrencode-4.1.1-2
* libqrencode-devel-4.1.1-2
* libqrencode4-4.1.1-2

* qrencode-4.1.1-2-src
* qrencode-debuginfo-4.1.1-2

Note: This update fixes a bug in the upstream.

- Fix the issue #185 in the upstream: https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode/issues/185
- cf. the pull-request #186: https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode/pull/186

QR Code symbol library

Libqrencode is a C library for encoding data in a QR Code
symbol, a kind of 2D symbology that can be scanned by handy terminals
such as a mobile phone with CCD. The capacity of QR Code is up to 7000
digits or 4000 characters, and is highly robust.

HomePage: https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/index.html.en
News: https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode/blob/v4.1.1/NEWS
Source: https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode/tree/v4.1.1
License: LGPL-2.1 License

Cygwin Package Summary:
Cygport Source:

Lemures Lemniscati

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