Unable to start Cygwin64 terminal after password change

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Tue Aug 3 11:24:35 GMT 2021

On Aug  2 18:31, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
> > I'll follow up once I have the output you've requested.
> Well, my Systems people stopped cygserver for me, and I was able to open the "Cygwin64 terminal" without problems...  The machine wasn't rebooted, re-login'ed, nothing.
> So cygserver was the culprit?

Looks like it.  Hard to say what problem it has.  Apart from changing
your password, is it possible that your admins changed some sort of
domain security settings?  Apparently some OS calls fail for cygserver
running under the SYSTEM account.  You should really check with your
admins here first.

If that doesn't give a lead, you'll have to debug cygserver.  Debugging
cygserver to see an error message from the OS calls is a bit tricky.
Start the cygserver service, then start an elevated CMD shell and from
inside the CMD shell:

  tasklist /fi "imagename eq cygserver*"

You the PID in a call to strace:

  strace -p <PID> -o cygserver.out

Next, open a another CMD window, start Cygwin's `id' tool once and then
perform a taskkill on strace.

Hopefully this gives us some hint as to the cause of your problem.


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