Unable to start Cygwin64 terminal after password change

Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] lavr@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Mon Aug 2 18:31:35 GMT 2021

> I'll follow up once I have the output you've requested.

Well, my Systems people stopped cygserver for me, and I was able to open the "Cygwin64 terminal" without problems...  The machine wasn't rebooted, re-login'ed, nothing.

So cygserver was the culprit?

When I run id now, I get it all correctly, from both that very terminal:

$ id
uid=1050182(lavr) gid=1049089(Domain Users) groups=1049089(Domain Users),555(Remote Desktop Users),545(Users),559(Performance Log Users),14(REMOTE INTERACTIVE LOGON),4(INTERACTIVE)....

and also from "bash" that I used to start from "cmd.exe" (when the terminal wouldn't open up):

C:\Windows\System32>cd \cygwin64\bin


lavr@NCBIPC9135 /usr/bin
$ id
uid=1050182(lavr) gid=1049089(Domain Users) groups=1049089(Domain Users),555(Remote Desktop Users),545(Users),559(Performance Log Users),14(REMOTE INTERACTIVE LOGON),4(INTERACTIVE),11(Authenticated Users),15(This Organization),4095(CurrentSession)...

Also note that my prompt is not showing anything numeric anymore...

Any clues?

Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

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