update with apt-cyg ?

Ulli Horlacher framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Sep 7 08:18:36 GMT 2020

On Sun 2020-09-06 (19:11), Brian Inglis wrote:

> > cygstart /setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode
> > 
> > But this does not upgrade my cygwin installation in my users windows home, 
> > but does a new installation in c:\cygwin64
> Download:
> 	$ curl -OJR https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe
> OR
> 	$ wget -N https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe

Ok, this is a easy :-)

> If using unattended (--quiet) mode, you have to specify everything else:
> 	$ ./setup-x86_64 -gq -R "$rootdir" -l "$pkgdir" -s $site
> otherwise try semi-attended (--package-manager) chooser-only mode:
> 	$ ./setup-x86_64 -gM -R "$rootdir" -l "$pkgdir" -s $site
> which lets you see the prompt screens and decide whether you need to change
> anything.

Great! This helps me a lot!

> Defaults should have been saved in /etc/setup/setup.rc and packages in
> /etc/setup/installed.db the first time you installed Cygwin, so that subsequent
> upgrades will use the same locations.

I did not know /etc/setup/setup.rc, but it is there with the content:

	http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com/;cygwin.mirror.constant.com;United States;New Jersey

> If your alternative package manager is not following these conventions, please
> consider whether that is a safe approach if other apps are needed for upgrades,
> unless your package manager uses workarounds so they are not needed.

cygwin-portable-installer(*) is not an alternative package manager, but
just a script wrapper for setup.exe

The installation step is:

echo Running Cygwin setup...
 --root "%CYGWIN_ROOT%" ^
 --local-package-dir "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\.pkg-cache" ^
 --no-shortcuts ^
 --no-desktop ^
 --delete-orphans ^
 --upgrade-also ^
 --no-replaceonreboot ^
 --quiet-mode ^
 --packages dos2unix,wget,%CYGWIN_PACKAGES% || goto :fail

When I later run /setup-x86_64 without options it asks for 
"Choose A Download Source"

I can skip this step if I start it with:
/setup-x86_64 -s http://ftp.fau.de/cygwin

Is there something missing in my /etc/setup/setup.rc?
What should I add there?
Also the CYGWIN_ROOT (option -R)?

Ok, I could write a setup.cmd with the options you named, but it would be
better if setup-x86_64.exe knows my defaults.

(*) I need cygwin-portable-installer for my users, which are overcharged
with a regular cygwin installation. With cygwin-portable-installer I can
specify all needed packages, the installation place and some additional
software (of my own).

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail: horlacher@tik.uni-stuttgart.de
Allmandring 30a                Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
70569 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:    http://www.tik.uni-stuttgart.de/

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