Can't start a cygwin terminal(mintty) as admin
Tue Nov 24 12:51:59 GMT 2020

>From some months, use of a terminal with cygwin is changing and changing but for me with more and more difficult to use.

Prior to 3.1 version of the cygwin package, I could use two kinds of terminals bash and mintty.
I like the bash version because I can launch with it an admin session, simply in telling to shortcut "exec as admin".

But with the pty support provided by the new cygwin package, the bash terminal behavior has changed, relatively to Ctrl-C support.

I have a curses application to launch bash scripts applications through a MMI interface presenting several choices of them.

Before 3.1, for mintty and bash terminals, on a ctrl-C, my application MMI and bash script were stopped cleanly.

But now for a bash terminal, a Ctrl-C quits the curses application in leaving the shell script to continue in background.
To day, I don't know how write one C application with ncurses being compatible with bash and mintty terminals as yesterday.

QUESTION 1 : HOW TO NOW HANDLE CTRL-C in a multi threaded cygwin application regarless of terminal

As I am obliged to use mintty, now I can't launch a mintty terminal session as admin, I don't understand why.


My questions with last package versions (or not) for cygwin and mintty.

Thanks for your help

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