environment is too large for exec
Satish Balay
Wed Mar 4 19:20:00 GMT 2020
I'm seeing the following error from cygwin:
"environment is too large for exec"
I can try reducing the env - however - is there an option in cygwin to increase the current 'max env'?
Please include me in cc: in replies.
Note: In a prior run - I got the following [confusing] error. I'm assuming its the same issue.
# n "bc_ctl.arg_max >= LINE_MAX" failed: file "/usr/src/findutils-4.6.0-1.x86_64/src/findutils-4.6.0/xargs/xargs.c", line 500, function: main
# /home/glci2/builds/p34_q_s8/0/petsc/petsc/lib/petsc/bin/petscdiff: line 60: 42848 Done cat ex19_logviewmemory.tmp
# 42852 | grep MatFDColorSetUp
# 42856 | wc -w
# 42858 Aborted (core dumped) | xargs -I % sh -c "expr % \> 21" > ex19_logviewmemory.tmp.filter_tmp
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