Build of glm- does not work.

Marco Atzeri
Sun Aug 23 16:03:41 GMT 2020

On 23.08.2020 17:30, Jon Turney wrote:
> On 22/08/2020 06:00, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
>> On 21.08.2020 10:35, Carlo B. via Cygwin wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I tried to rebuild glm- but the "install" command
>>> does not work.
>>> I'm getting this error message:
>>>>>> Installing glm-
>>> make: ***  Nessuna regola per generare l'obiettivo «install».  Arresto.
>>> *** ERROR: make install DESTDIR failed
>>> Translated in english, it should be something like this:
>>> "No rules to generate target <<install>>. Stop."
> [...]
>> the error is caused by the build system using now cmake+ninja for
>> the execution
>> while mingw64-i686-glm and mingw64-x86_64-glm builds stay on the
>> previous cmake+make
> I am a bit confused by this.  What causes the default generator used by 
> cmake to change?  Having old .cygports break due to that seems bad.

not sure.
I guess that if ninja is available the glm cmake settings
give it a precedence.

It is also possible that the latest cmake is behaving differently
than previous one.


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